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Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
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Meme Lord Daddy If you can't laugh, and you are an overly serious individual that posts crackpot ideology in the comments then I will block you from this channel. This is a place for jokes, not a podium to spread your mental illness. Also if you have an issue with something that you think should be marked explicit, message me before you report me. This isn't Facebook. Communicate, I can't emphasize that enough. Social justice warriors will be blocked. If you are Antifa, a socialist, politically correct, or someone just looking to argue, this channel is not for you. Stay happy my friends! *** Do not post your SPAM to my channel. I will report and block you instantly. If you think you have something that I or my subscribers may like, message me first.
OldSoul DEUS ex Machina a futuro
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Jan 2018
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