
Trying to live as chemical free as possible Avoiding chemicals in my cleaning products, my beauty Products, my garden and food. The chemical build up in our bodies and environment is counter productive to our wellbeing, health and often our overall philosophy in life. Here I will share my hints and tips on how to go chemical free often with products you can make yourself, so you know exactly what's in them and on a budget. "up cycling" Is the future! The constant changing fashions are producing "land fill shite" Better to be real, creative and cause as little damage to our world as possible x
In December Of 1945, A 5th Holy Gospel Was Discovered To The World, After Long Since Being Buried Deep Within The Sands Of Time.
Welcome To The Mixed Music Channel Here On MINDS, Where You'll Find Some Of The Best Mixed & Mashed Songs Ever Produced.
Collection Plate Records
Here from Beyond to be the change i wish to see in this world
I represent a Global Network of Sovereign Revolutionaries choosing to create Solutions for every challenge we face as the human race. We are the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty. We provide tools for Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Financial Freedom to everyone. Our mission is to empower the human race by creating and expanding sustainable, ethical, cooperative systems of governance and value distribution that meet the needs of all people.
truth seeker, non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality and truly enjoying it
I do not believe that money, violence, control, terrorism, racism, or division can do any good for our World... we must find a way to find all Eternal Peace. Trade instead of buy, commute instead of work, and be free instead of being enslaved.. Then the World would be at Peace.. I can not believe that people believe we (wont be able to grow food, wont fight to defend what's rightfully ours, wont build roads or buildings or even homes. We wont be able to take care of the homeless or do anything without a government..) "but if we let a government Rob us/Tax us and take our hard earned money, Then they will do it All for us BECAUSE WE CANT DO ANYTHING FOR OURSELVES WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT and they still don't have our best interest in mind.. Our Government works for the Fed, IRS, and Treasury..
Feb 2016
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