Nothing4YouHere "Hellfire ❄🐇"

*This page contains Speculation, Hyperbole, Conspiracy Theories, Lewd Images, Mixed Metaphors, Foul Language, and Nuclear Hot Takes. Discretion is advised.*
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
Unapologetic Cultural Libertarian Sh1tl0rd Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam ___ Veteran of #GamerGate and #ProjectChanology, former ZS loyalist and youtube shitlord. Gamer and Egalitarian. #BlockTheBot High Command. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and shitpost... and I'm all out of bubble gum." Anti-SJW "Community" group: MemeFarmers group: My OCD kicked in recently and I tagged all my relevant posts with various hashtags to make them searchable with one click... #FreeKekistan #PunchItChewie : Sci Fi, Geek and Nerd Culture. Mostly memes, not gonna lie. #justAntiSJWthings : It's how we roll. #writteninbloodcaffeineandnicotine : Things I've written here on Minds that I thought were worth filing in one place. #TheFifthEstateNews: News #likeaboss : Putin Shilling #godemperor : Trump Shilling #malfunctioninghillary : Hating Hillary #SkyrimIRL #DragonageIRL : #Syria : News and Current Affairs #BodyCount : "And you shall know them by the trail of dead." #1984wasnotsupposedtobeaninstructionmanual : The prophecies of the Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) #TakeDownTheMedia : taken from an Andrew Breitbart quote, the MSM is anathema #FakeNews ^related #ThugLife : #freespeechmatters : #youtubeheroes : #JustMassEffectThings : #Messiah : Dune #Prophet : Kurt Cobain #MakeWarhammerGreatAgain:
Just a mama who doesn't have time to give fucks. Gives hugs, baked goods and devoted friendship. I ReMind stuff a lot. I don't always agree with it. Sometimes, it's bullshit or funny or thought-provoking or just ridiculous. However, since i encourage discussion, i ReMind it for others to discuss. I also routinely talk to myself on camera at and beg for shekels here:
Journalist (sports, politics) born in Germany, living in Berlin. Football and soccer (I call it soccer for you, Americans!) are my specialties, as well as German and American politics. My website:
Just one man endlessly wading through the chest deep bullshit of the world. Twitter - YouTube -
Infowars Reporter and Political Activist
I'm a pro-liberty individualist, husband, father, free speech advocate, social commentator/YouTuber, & musician. Be excellent to each other!
Hello everyone, I am the Critical Knight! I hate bullshit, democrats, liberals, SJWs, islam, that fat ass Cenk Uyger of The Young Turks, and feminazis. I like big boobs and asses. hope you love my content, see you soon!
Red Pill time. Most of you who take it won't be able to swallow it because you prefer being enslaved by your pride, creature comforts and lack of discernment.
Sep 2016
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