Uwe Hinz

Ich lebe seit 2007 in Paraguay. #deutsch #paraguay #afd #realestate #immobilien #germany
Blog über Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Militär und Geschichte
Welcome to Asbestos Testing Source, your premium resource for information on asbestos testing and analysis. Asbestos is a group of six minerals that have resistance to fire, heat and chemical reactions. Due to its fire resistance properties, asbestos was widely used for the construction of roofing materials, fire protection gear, and insulation. However, it was found to cause lung infections especially among the mine workers and has had its uses limited to prevent exposure. Exposure to asbestos can happen at the place of work especially at power plants or construction sites, at home and from inhaling or ingesting naturally occurring asbestos. Once ingested or inhaled, asbestos fibers will form a film in your lung or stomach tissues. Our bodies are not equipped to expel these fibers hence increase the risk of lung cancer, pleural mesothelioma, and asbestosis. These diseases are quite fatal if left uncontrolled. Their symptoms take a long time to manifest themselves hence maybe noticed when it is already late. Asbestos Testing Source helps educate and minimize the chance of you being exposed to asbestos. We also provide information on how a professional test is done. These tests are aimed at controlling the level of asbestos you come into contact with and which can affect your health. These tests include: • Airborne Asbestos: Use of Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) to check for the tiniest of fibers in the air (up to 0.25 microns in diameter).This is combined with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to detect mineral types in these fibers. • Bulk Materials: Involves the use of Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) to distinguish asbestos fiber from other types of fibers. • Settled Dust and Non-Building Materials: Field samples are analyzed for asbestos using TEM. • Soil and Sediment: Involves the use PLM to identify illegally dumped asbestos. • Water and Aqueous Samples: Use of TEM to check for water contamination from asbestos. A professional inspection and test for asbestos are recommended to get accurate data on the level of asbestos in your home. This will give you a way forward on how to minimize exposure to asbestos. A lot of common building materials contain asbestos. Be on the safe side. If you have any questions, please visit our website.
Das Baumhaus des Westens ist ein seit 2014 bestehender Blog über konservative Werte, freie Märkte, Politik und Geschichte. Alle neuen Artikel (und ausgewählte Archivartikel) werden zuerst auf Minds.com erscheinen und erst einen Tag später auf der Homepage und den anderen Social-Media Auftritten des Baumhauses. https://baumhausdeswestens.org/ https://www.facebook.com/baumhausdeswestens/ https://twitter.com/BaumhausdesWest If a German blog isn't much to your taste, check out my other minds channel LordBuxworth, where I blog about weird stuff from history. No politics though... https://www.minds.com/LordBuxworth
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Shall I give them religion? . . . If I could allow myself a sarcastic and cynical moment: There is much research done for these writings and many excerpts are taken secondary to the primary essay or book. I am putting this together not to create an ethos for myself but rather as a discovery. I have seen the community colleges and university educational system in play and I can do better, much better. If you want to use any of this material just ask and I will provide comprehensive source material and citations-everything here is legit and at the highest level of scholarship. So, no reason to criticize what you may see as plagiarism when I am openly admitting my 'form',...which is basically a standard university essay form--materially rephrasing others' work, correct? That is what we call school in America now, I think... Thanks. If it seems I don't know much about the internet it is because I don't normally stare at screens. I stare at journals and books with paper and pen nearby. 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 No links are posted for vids because it is aesthetically displeasing. I'm sure you can find them yourself.
I speak English and German and am interested in mysterious themes and urbex. PLEASE NOTE: Whatever I share on my page or elsewhere is not always representing my opinion, but might show just another perspective on some things and should be worth to think about. ************ Ich spreche deutsch und englisch und bin an mysteriösen Themen und Urbex interessiert. (Zu mysteriösen Themen zähle ich auch mal die Politik, sowie gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge,lol) BITTE BEACHTEN: Artikel, die ich teile, hier oder in Gruppen, spiegeln nicht unbedingt meine Meinung wider, ich finde es wichtig auf die Themen verschiedene Blickwinkel zu haben und manches ist zwar evtl. oberflächig betrachtet etwas schräg, aber auch hier lauern oft ganz gute Denkansätze.
Socrates23 This work is meant to be copied and plagiarized-take all you want. I am erasing everything October 1st. Check 'My Groups' for essay content, I have this separated for easy reading and viewing. It is not necessary to join, the groups are open and I do not expect people to ever join anything. Do as you wish, that I wish. I have been asked many times what are my main influences, these are Pythagoras, Montaigne and Voltaire. If you would like citations or a reading list for a specific post, please just ask. ...by the way, what I am putting together here are connected ideas and not some post-modern soup kitchen of slop. I understand myth and the occult much better than anyone I can find on the internet. In fact, I would go as far as to claim to be the only living expert at the level of skill I display (something I have yet to do despite the masterly level of skill involved in the work done thus far). I can prove it. If I can prove something, it usually makes me confident, how about you? By the time I am finished here there will be no doubt in any of your minds as to the validity of my claims to wisdom. Having said that, all that I know is that I know little or nothing, and that this knowledge is worthless. This page is best read from bottom to top, which was the way in which it was wrote. That is why I have numbered the essay. I also wrote everything so that it may be read separate and still make sense, if you would prefer this better. ...besides, everything I write is probibly just overrated...*smile* Subjects and topics are separated by group now for convenience..
Apr 2017
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