http://truththeory.com Truth Theory is a news media publication facilitating the empowerment of humanity using honest, solution-based and thought-provoking ideas Get our free ebook: https://truththeory.org/
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
Someone interested in cryptocurrencies since 2017.
Exploring , Traveling , Photographing my passion 🧳 πŸ“Έ πŸŒ΄πŸ§—πŸΌβ›°
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No need to send tokens, I'm trying to just spread some truth and love for everyone. Love is the only answer, Hate only brings about cancer. Let Love be our energy as we shift into higher consciousness. We need unity and balance to succeed. I am not Racist, I love everybody on Earth both Good and Bad because there is good and bad in everyone. I am not Left or Right, Republican or Democratic they both have good points and extreme nonsense points. We need to meet in the middle the common ground that unites America again and then the World. Then Unites the World with Freedom and Liberty with equal opportunities for all. My name is Craig Hewlett, from Christchurch New Zealand. I'm a Truth Seeker, not Religious but Spiritual. I don't post selfie's, pictures of what I'm eating or naked women. I do post what I am watching or Reading on the Internet a Blog if you like of my journey of discovery. I also post Self Improvement, Motivational and Spiritual Memes and what I believe is the Truth, But I make NO claim that what I post is true it is just what I have been reading or watching. I am not a Communist supporter or a Nazi supporter and I am Not an Anti-Semite, there is good and bad in everyone and every group. Anything can be true or false depending on your perception. I believe we need balance in everything and that communication is needed so we can work out that balance. We need to let Love be our energy Not Fear. Once you start seeing the truth as it really is then you notice the same patterns all throughout history, that is to say the Human Race has been farmed by different Alien Races who are doing different experiments on different Earthlings. A lot of people will NOT like the truth I reveal but the truth is what it is, TRUTH. I believe in UFO's and Reptilian's that control our World. If you believe in the flat Earth and there are No Aliens, No Space, No Gravity that is fine but don't fill my posts with your negative comments or you will be blocked, positive posts and evidence I like but Name Calling gets people blocked. I believe MJ12 was formed after the Roswell UFO crash and since then the Secret World Government (Dark Cabal of Satanist's) has done a deal with the Negative Snake Federation of Reptilians, Greys, Insectoids (Mantis). The Reptilian Demons have taken over the World through Demonic Possession and greedy people selling their souls. There are however good Aliens (Beings of Light in the 5th dimension) who are here now helping Earth get rid of the Negative Beings but the Majority of Good Beings are on Higher Dimensions. There is plenty of evidence to support the Nazi UFO program during WW2 and a Moon Base they built then, this lead to the Secret Space Program which consists of 5 Major Factions. This is why NASA employee's lie and fake space video's and NASA started the Flat Earth nonsense to hide these Secret Space Programs and the technology that they use, Free Energy, Anti-Gravity, Teleportation and 3D printing Replicators that can produce Hot Food, Drugs, Healing Beds, Replacement Body Parts etc. A lot of people say it is fake and the photos are photoshopped but when you do the research there is more than enough proof that these programs are happening. It would certainly explain where the Pentagon missing Trillions are going to. http://thepromiserevealed.com/secret-space-program-photo-gallery/ The Deep State, Dark Cabal, Secret World Government, Illuminati, Satanic Zionist's are all part of the Reptilian Control System. There is a secret war going on right now between these Negative Alien Beings and the Positive Alien Beings like the Nordics, Pleiadians and Beings of Light. The Reptilian Demons are being removed and this is why they are trying their hardest to start World War 3. They can Astral Travel and their consciousness survives on the lower 4th dimension where the feed off Human Negative Energy like Hate, Fear and Sexual Perversion. This is why there are so many Child Sex Traffickers because they are supporting these Negative beings. The full disclosure is getting closer everyday but for now partial disclosure is happening because so many people could not handle the truth due to their closed minds. This is why these people say it is all fake and perhaps even the Earth is Flat and Gravity doesn't exist as it puts everything into a nice and tidy little box or as they say, a snow globe that is made of a glass dome 25,000 kilometers in diameter under a massive ocean of all space, the glass dome couldn't hold its own weight so under an ocean would be completely impossible. The firmament is the Aether field of the 4th dimension that separates the Spiritual 5th Dimension from the Physical 3rd Dimension. The Aether field is 1,000 times denser than steel and it is what supports the stars and electro gravity craft, it is also where free energy comes from the Zero Point Energy from the Aether is what the Sun is emitting Not photonic Light. The Sun is a giant Plasma Ball convert higher dimensio
Thank you for your donations and encouragement "welcome" πŸ’‘ Please don’t add me to your list on a whim, I prefer when we talk a little, first. ♨❀♨ Onchain Adres 0x36163f85Add2349a973014C92Afa410263311607 0xFAbE5d86585f802266918B9C0A15Cd9A84A70d27 πŸ’‘ https://paypal.me/pools/c/8o3h1EEEou, πŸ’‘ @Arissaya ✨ @Art_Lover81 🎨 @zoraya 🌹 @ladyhug πŸ€— @Beardedone2017 @Milica42 🐞 @merrylk 🐝 @Peggy2 🐌 @Pinaki_Gupta_Appu @luvsfan 🌻 @DarkStevieRose 🐦 @Harp609 😍 @the_artist 🎨 @GetTAe β˜€οΈ @chesscat 🌈 @john 🍷 @dinodino πŸ¦‹ @namgiangnet 🎭 @StarseedM πŸ’› @Alisha_14 @FatimaMind πŸ™ Donate with P Onchain adres 0x7589d15f58e2e8d1a60ce232f5dc07148acbaa5e Onchain 0x6f2548b1bee178a49c8ea09be6845f6aeaf3e8da 0x8d12a197cb00d4747a1fe03395095ce2a5cc6819 #minds https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/983121363042406400 BTC adres 3M1iMxBUi1ExKS6822z8HUmdVsVL7R4wEo Send BTC 1KkCzffYzAdho8DoNAzSiid4U7y6LTe1qK
Sic semper tyrannis, the winners of wars write history like the MSM tells the truth A fraud president has no nation the fraudemic is evident the sky is falling again How is your fraudemic today? always have to play the players before they play you "life is a journey travel" fraudemics suck the looneys are running the asylum government has proven to be non essential during this false flag event they should prorate property tax ......they did nothing for months and months and months the treason is real government has proven to be non - essential ungovernable government is non-essential, obviously the beginning is near common sense is not very common anymore fuk government it violates human rights the beginning is near scamdemic water takes up 10% more volume when it freezes google stop being evil those who control the memes control the world decentralized avoid the democrat(pedocrat) for happy life One Race, Human Race Human Race, One Race everybody has to get microwaved 5G Ameriphoebes suck socialism is communism for dummies mandatory daily drug testing for all public servants except, garbage men and dog catchers scandal = felony ....lets be politically correct politics.... poly = many..... tics = parasites There is nothing politically correct and there will never will be! politically correct is an oxymoron
Born Sovereign is a nonconformist's campaign for individual freedom . . . in celebration of the heroic individuals whose actions shall bring forth voluntary communities that are completely free from legal coercion; communities wherein all human interactions are voluntary. The Non-Aggression Principle is an innate social construct within all of us. It is the guidepost for natural law. The principle rejects the initiation of force in all its various forms, and naturally, does not bar victims of coercion from responding in self-defense. Communities based on this principle are often referred to as voluntaryist communities, recognizing that with voluntaryism, the Non-Aggression Principle will be the final arbiter in detailing the type of "isms" that blossom. Our goal is to make clear that social issues of aggression, crime, poverty, healthcare, and environmental abuse are never solved politically; that the proper, most effective solutions will be found in a competitive free market - where individuals can freely pursue and support solutions that help them - as opposed to having costly and ineffective solutions forced upon them by the State. We also raise awareness of issues that affect individual freedom and promote strategic actions that will secure it and a free society. http://bornsovereign.com ______________________________ http://ucmilitia.us "A well regulated Militia" The Authentic Homeland Security A well regulated Militia refers to β€œthe Militia of the several states” and clarified as the state unorganized constitutional militia. The constitutional militia is not organized or funded by government interests, but self-assembled by citizen volunteers committed to the security of a free state. In times of disaster or coercion, these men and women: the Minutemen – may require the support of additional conscientious individuals from their local communities. This constitutionally mandated institution reigns supreme in importance over all institutions, with the exception of β€œWe The People,” in defense of individual rights: those rights that define a free state – as sanctioned by the U.S. Constitution and its charter, The Declaration of Independence. By this, the constitutional militia is said to β€œdefend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic.” Political concerns are an individual matter that may or may not promote, yield, or maintain state respect for individual rights. Unlike politics, the constitutional militia should not be an instrument of division. Any militia intentionally organized on race, religion, politics, or participates in political persuasion at rallies, or protests – shall be seen as a civil threat and justly classified as an armed β€œextremist” group. The constitutional militia is nonpartisan and correctly screens candidates for such things as criminal behavior or extremism but is otherwise unconcerned with their race, religion or political preference. Its main challenge, however, is to overcome the institution’s unmerited association with alleged militia β€˜nuts’ and lingering bad press that discourage membership. Should the free state be lost to the political corruption of a police state, responsible citizens shall face the propaganda for what it is, abandon politics for the Constitution, and take up arms for their commitment to the security of a free state. With sizable rank, this decentralized defense shall be a formidable adversary for any enemy, foreign or domestic. A well regulated Militia holds that, in a free state, individual rights are non-negotiable and asserts that the duties of a Minuteman shall always be limited to those consistent with a free state. This commitment sets the institution apart as the authentic homeland security. __________________________ Start or Join your local Militia!
Jul 2018
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