Stephanie Smith

Hey there, you sexy possible attack helicopter you. I'm Stephanie, or you may know me a GeeGee, That Bitch, GamerGengar or Thunder Cunt. I'm a Video Game Journalist who puts their morals before their paycheck. You may have seen my work on Gamer Headlines, The Cliqist, and Plus Mana. After facing problems with censorship and shady dilemmas I've stepped away from mainstream journalism. Instead I've been working on my own website and a great little place at I live a happy life as an English Teacher in Sichuan China. ***Controversial Opinions*** Pro- #Gamergate I do not condone the harassment that allegedly came from Gamergate supporters. From personal experience I have found gators to be some of the kindest and most welcoming people in the gaming community. I appreciate their valiant efforts to hold Video Game Journalists to the ethical standard we should expect from all journalists. WAF/WomanAgainstFeminism or rather the modern day interpretation of feminism/radical feminism. Ask me if I want men and women to be equal and I'll say hella yes. I'm not blind to issues that affect women I simply see the bigger picture and don't believe in alienating 50% of the population. Anti-BLM/BlackLivesMatter I agree that black lives matter, just like every other shade of life. Doesn't mean I'll support a terrorist organisation. Especially one that actively causes animosity toward the black race by playing out every negative stereotype on camera for the world to see. ***F.A.Q*** Q. Are you a lesbian? A. Only on Fridays Q. Why do you hate women? A. I don't hate 'women', I just hate very specific women. Q. Are you single? A. I'm emotionally invested in someone. CONTACT . Hatemail/Fanmail/Death threats/Prayers for my soul: [email protected] (currently out of order due to windows 10 update) Business: LinkedIn or above email address. website: TL;DR: #Gamer #ESL #Teacher #Travel #VideoGameJournalism #GamerGate #WomenAgainstFeminism be aware that emails containing 'White' 'Privilege' and 'internalized misogyny' are auto deleted, thank you.
location_onSichuan, China
Type: All
Date: All