
All is all. Viva all! *Praise Kek* Liberkek, I care about #FreeSpeech and #Liberty I believe this #Philosophy affords us so much, both in terms of the good and the #Virtue both in and of it, and what it gives us 'it;s end point' or 'Max liber' I believe it to be our most powerful weapon against tyranny and opression. It's protects us but we must also protect it. I will do everything in my power to fight for it as many seem happy to give it up in exchange for a false virtue. I like #breakbeats and #dnb and loads of other stuff. I like other shit and dislike alot more but you havent read this far anyway so herp a derpyy dick knob. #FreeKekistan #Kekistan #Shadilay
location_onNew South Wales, Australia
Type: All
Date: All