Suck it, commie

Tired of seeing Israel bashed in the media? Then join this group. Israel's indigenous people for over 3000 years, the Jewish people, have returned their desolate sparsely populated homeland to a flourishing liberal democracy where ALL its citizens have far better human rights than anywhere else in the Middle East. #israel
Welcome new members! Hopefully the 2020 election will be overturned and our true President, Donald J. Trump, will be reinstated back into the White House. Everyone needs to get involved in the 2022 election on the precinct levels so we can oust as many dirty, lying Democrats and deep state RINOs from Congress as we can. This is a battle we need to win!
Owner/Admin: @FretzCapo Mod: @Shakara Tags: #music #80smusic [artist] [year] Tags are not required. Ask Minds for autotags in groups' Maximum 5 posts in a row No SPAM Lots of music! Off topic posts will be deleted and repeat offenders will be blocked and removed from the group. Thank you
Aug 2018
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