
I shall pretend I'm on Twitter, and try to keep this brief (who am I kidding? I am way too verbose to be on Twitter, that's why my account is hardly used!). I'm an ex pat Brit, from South London, England, now living in California (as I have done for the last twelve years). I am not a US citizen, but, rather, I regard myself as being a citizen of the world. Even when I lived in the UK (the country of my birth), I did not regard myself as being a UK citizen, or a “subject” of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II; and even if I were to become a citizen of the USA, I would regard no man (or woman) as being my President. I see no reason to align myself with Government, either in the UK, or the USA, or anywhere else, for that matter. Government is nothing but a sham, an illusion, a cheap trick. What we think of as Government is merely a diversion, a puppet show run by those who really control the levers of power. It doesn't matter who is in office, left, or right, Republican, Democrat; call them what you will. The hidden Government continues to rule regardless, pursuing its own agenda in secret. Three corporations, three City States within countries, control everything: Washington DC, The City of London, and The Vatican. Once again these are mere fronts for where the true power and wealth of this world resides. Behind it all is The Global Banking System controlled by a small number of elite families. Behind that is, well, what exactly is behind that? Suffice it to say, it all gets rather more murky, and a whole lot more bizarre. To trace the real “power behind the throne,” as it were, requires more than a little research. I shall give you but one hint: try looking up the term “Black Pope” on the Internet, and see what you get. That should get you started in an interesting direction. You're going to pull the cork from the bottle, and once the genie has been unleashed, life will never be the same for you, that I promise. Those people we see so frequently in the media, the “mere billionaires,” people like George Soros, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and so forth; all of them are simply the foot soldiers of the elite, doing the bidding of those who would far rather remain in the shadows. They are financial and political puppets of the modern era, as was J.P. Morgan in his time: outwardly one of the richest men of his age (and part of the Kuhn, Loeb-Morgan alliance) but in reality he was just a pawn of the House of Rothschild. Voting will have no effect on this situation. It changes nothing. We have seen how voting computers can be made to return any result that is desired, irrespective of how many actual votes have been cast. The media will never tell us the truth, because it is controlled by The Global Banking System. The Law will not come to our aid, because the law courts have been usurped by Maritime Law and Corporate Law, which do not serve the interests of the common population. The Police Forces will no longer protect us, as they have become nothing more than militarized corporations owned by The Banksters. The system is truly, and totally, rotten. It needs to be removed, completely, and replaced with a society based upon humanitarian principles expressed for the good of all mankind. I see myself as a being a sovereign citizen, ruled only by myself, and subject only to Natural Law, which is the law that stands above all of the pointless, and self-serving statutes written by human beings (and those statutes are not, and never can be, law, despite what the politicians, or police officers might try to tell you). Having realized I am not the 'Legal Fiction' of my birth, that is to say the corporation unknowingly registered by my parents that made me property of the State; but, rather, that I am in effect my own State and ruler, I have sought to share the same truth with as many who would care to listen (or, also with those who cared not to listen, since that is their choice). I became involved with the Freeman On The Land movement in the UK, and I am pleased to see that there are many here in the USA who are waking up to the same truths as enshrined in that movement. I seek to align myself with any group, or groups, that intends to accomplish the peaceful overthrow of this present sick society, and to replace it with something of which all of us could be proud, and where all of us can be equal members with the same rights and privileges as everybody else. I believe this website will be an important and viable platform for the accomplishment of those goals, and that it can be used to disseminate the information people need in order to realize they have too long been sleepwalking through a nightmare, and now is the time to wake up. Please join me in the this adventure. Who knows where it will lead us? I think we could have some fun, and, just maybe, play a part in being the change that we’d all like to see! Postscript – December 2020: I feel I should add a few comments ab
I am tired of the constant attack on straight, white, Christian, men. I have made this as a place that I can point out the attacks as I see them.
With the Power of Truth, I while living, have conquered the Universe.
A Canadian couple with a Podcast. I'm Trans, Trans national. I identify as American
Blog über Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Militär und Geschichte
#inktober is going on this month. If you'd like to see some new artwork every day in October feel free to subscribe! ( ˛oωo¸ ) ___________________________________ Yet another artist, gamer and trash mammal. Having fun fighting and befriending random creatures everyday. @SquattingErudite 's waifu. I like hamsters... :3 ___________________________________ ( ~ oωo)~ All images are done by me unless it states otherwise ~( oωo ~ ) ___________________________________
Hello, my pen-name is Annie Dieu-Le-Veut and I write books on shamanism, Earth magic, the Grail Mysteries, Sovereignty magic and sacred sexuality. I also decode ancient myths to show how they are actually the vessels or arks of our ancestors sailing the seas of Time and containing, deep in their submarinal holds, precious messages about our innate holographic relationship to eternal astrological and alchemical cycles which drive each of us along our life’s path. You can read more about my books at my blog: Stories in the Stars
Who am I? I am a member of the fast growing un-silent majority that is sick of the insanity that’s been going on in this country for far too long. What insanity am I referring to? Where should I begin? To start with, what ever happened to common sense in this country? When did the American population become so ignorant that they believe almost anything they hear from their favorite politician or talking heads in the media without first doing an ounce of due diligence? When was a constitutional amendment passed that says people now have the “right” not to be “offended…” ever… by anyone or anything? Furthermore, when people do get “offended” by something, when did their right to “peaceably assemble” and protest, become a right to riot, or cause harm to others? Whatever happened to, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch?” When did equal opportunity morph into equal results? When did it become the “in” thing for everyone to be a “victim” of something? When did personal accountability cease to matter? When did it start to make sense that as a nation, we could spend our way out of being bankrupt? Today, more and more “real news” is being labeled “fake news” as part of a larger agenda on the part of both the mainstream media, and their accomplices in social media. You know what's really disturbing? When did we reach a point in American society when someone who merely questions the statements of known liars is branded with a scarlet letter, and labeled a “conspiracy theorist?” My name is Michael DePinto. I am “The Voice of Reason” at The Last Great Stand, and I am also an Attorney. Do I think I have all the answers to the issues I either write or talk about? No, of course not. In fact, I would venture to say I have far less answers than I have questions. The only thing I claim to know with 100% certainty, is that the very institutions Americans “should” be able to rely on for critical and important news, rarely ever tell the truth anymore… ever! It’s not that the mainstream media lies about every single story they report on, but they almost never convey anything remotely resembling the entire truth on much either. What concerns me most, and why I’ve decided to speak out, is that nowhere near enough other people in this country are asking tough questions about some of the nonsense that comes from either the woefully corrupt and dishonest mainstream media, or from politicians in Washington. For the record, let’s be clear; so much of what is communicated to “We the People” by the very institutions Americans have every reason to expect the truth from, is total, complete, and utter nonsense. Nonsense! Countless studies have shown that confidence in the mainstream media is at an all-time low right now, but it’s not enough for people to know the media is not trustworthy. Why? Because for many people, the mainstream media’s version of a story is the only version they ever hear. Thanks to Wikileaks, during the 2016 presidential election many of the long-standing suspicions about collusion between Democrats and the mainstream media were 100% vindicated. Much of what was once labeled as “conspiracy theory,” is now documented “conspiracy fact,” but leave it to the mainstream media to never let a few facts get in the way of their otherwise perfectly pre-written narratives. Rather than try to win back the confidence of the American people, the mainstream media has decided to “double down,” and for the most part they make very little effort to hide their liberal bias these days. It’s alarming how many Americans are of the mistaken belief that President Trump can solve many of the problems that plague this country. The condition is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Trumphoria." Regardless of how much I support Donald Trump, the idea that he can solve all this country's problems is more total nonsense! Are things going to get “better” in America under a President Trump than under another corrupt President Clinton, or even any of the other 16 GOP candidates Donald Trump ran against during the primaries? Without a doubt they will, however “better” is a relative term. Because academia and the mainstream media have both become institutions that are almost exclusively controlled by the far-left liberal ideology, there are are far too many major issues that aren’t even being discussed by any Americans, much less debated. As I said earlier, do I claim that to have all the answers? No, of course not. Will I be wrong at times? Without a doubt! I am just one man, and I don’t have anywhere near the resources that the mainstream media has at its disposal, so it’s important not to miss the forest through the trees. Some people will insist on focusing on the one part of any given story I may get wrong, while completely glossing over ten other things that are not only spot on, but are also absurdly alarming. My goal is to shine a light on many of the issues that the mainstream media is guaranteed not to report on, and I hope to
I make videos and things revolving around gaming. Chances are you probably will have never heard of me so feel free to check out the stuff I make (Which currently lives on youtube @ #Gaming
Dec 2016
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