
Tarot practitioner, collector and perpetual student, based in rural Ireland, on the Atlantic coast.
location_onCounty Kerry, Ireland
Self taught Artist Blacksmith, avid skier, avid whitewater kayaker, outdoor loving, family man.
MakeSense is an open project built by a community of people passionated about Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and the web. The project was kickstarted by Christian Vanizette and Romain Raguin.
Why even ask a question if the truth is not what you seek? What I believe tomorrow, depends on the questions I ask today. Ask a lot of questions. Don't stop asking until you get an answer that feels right in your heart. May peace fill the world. Let it begin with me.
Socrates23 This work is meant to be copied and plagiarized-take all you want. I am erasing everything October 1st. Check 'My Groups' for essay content, I have this separated for easy reading and viewing. It is not necessary to join, the groups are open and I do not expect people to ever join anything. Do as you wish, that I wish. I have been asked many times what are my main influences, these are Pythagoras, Montaigne and Voltaire. If you would like citations or a reading list for a specific post, please just ask. the way, what I am putting together here are connected ideas and not some post-modern soup kitchen of slop. I understand myth and the occult much better than anyone I can find on the internet. In fact, I would go as far as to claim to be the only living expert at the level of skill I display (something I have yet to do despite the masterly level of skill involved in the work done thus far). I can prove it. If I can prove something, it usually makes me confident, how about you? By the time I am finished here there will be no doubt in any of your minds as to the validity of my claims to wisdom. Having said that, all that I know is that I know little or nothing, and that this knowledge is worthless. This page is best read from bottom to top, which was the way in which it was wrote. That is why I have numbered the essay. I also wrote everything so that it may be read separate and still make sense, if you would prefer this better. ...besides, everything I write is probibly just overrated...*smile* Subjects and topics are separated by group now for convenience..
What do I know? (You do know Socrates was a great warrior, don't you?) I am going to keep this page up and not abandon my content this time. I will try to lay out some of the more magnificent techniques of argumentation and explanation. I want people to be strong individuals in mind. I need worthy opponents for arguments. I can fight. With both hands and words--I'm better with words and the wounds left behind sometimes never heal. I do not think I fear death nearly so much as eternal boredom. Stop hating other individuals and instead have an 'open conversation'. Listen, listen, listen, we have to learn to love each other again.
Deus Vult ---------- Ephesians 6:12 ----------- Quid pro quo subscriptions No following sanctimonious assholes anymore, I can read the news myself and make my mind up, that's that. "Let God be true but EVERY man a liar" Romans 3:4
County Kerry, Ireland
Mar 2017
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