I was the leading figure of the spiritual and psychological warfare for 17 years. In my website https://spiritualandpsychologicalwarfare.com there are free blog post articles about both warfares. It branches off to the core topics of Christianity, psychology, philosophy, relationship, romance relationship, true way of life, parenting, spiritual warfare and psychological warfare in the deepest depth and most complete manner.
, Funktivist, I am personally against evil, hatred, crime, and sin. I am unable to condone or commit evil deeds or act in evil ways. I am able to accept all people, but this does not mean that I have to accept the things they do. I am a person who will always appreciate the benevolent acts of kindness. I am pro-love, pro-freedom, pro-compassion, and pro-benevolence. I do not promote violence, as I am against all types of violence and anything I say is only an opinion and should not be taken as a serious fact. if you feel strongly about something I have said that is your own opinion, and is not something that I made you choose to believe.