
Living life with lupus. Taking it one beautiful, difficult day at a time..
A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one. If a man hasn’t discovered something he would die for, he isn't fit to live.. Cyberaktivist - the peoples resistance
I share all with the World, I am not scared! Do not be scared of me, I reach out to give you the World back...that is yours! Expect Us!
I would like my life to be a statement of love & compassion - and where it isn't that's where my work lies.
i live where you vacation. poetess in my free time, animal enthusiast, zoologist in the making, learning 24/7.
Silvertongue • Deviant • Writer
Hello to the collective conscience of minds! This is my second profile bc i couldnt log into my old one. 😓 Anyway, here is a little about me. I come from an immigrant family, who arrived in the United States in 1993. I myself was a toddler, around the age of two. Ive been no stranger to the lower end of the socio economic ladder. Being on that end ive personally experienced the rougher side of life. (Will not get into detail). Being so young i wondered why things had ro be the way they were and i came to the conclusion "that's just life".. Now that im older and wiser i realize that this may not have been completely true. Society is sick. The scales of balance are off kilter. And I believe this world is in desperate need of change. And that is whats has led me here. Away from Facebook and Twitter and the noise of advertisement. To find like minded people and brains and minds. With different ideas to the problems occurring in our world today. And hopefully we can accomplish what we have set out to do together.. As a bright and brilliant collective consciousness.. And make CHANGE happen.
Jun 2015
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