"Invaders of Safe-Spaces,
First of their Fleet,
The #Unbanned,
Russia state affiliated media / #RussianBot,
Most Trusted Name in #FakeNews,
Queen of #SubscriptionWhores,
#Dissenter and Investor / Critic of Minds,
Patriarch of the Pan-Kekistani Church,
Scholar of the #Kekenormiecon,
Disciple of 4kun,
World-renowned Owl-Scientist,
Advocate for the #EastAsianMasterRace,
Preferred Pronoun - Master/Mistress,
IQ 10,000
(((#GermanSpellCheck er of Wannabe- Nazis))),
Speaker of the #NiggerWord,
Protector of Frozen Peaches,
Reviewer and Incinerator of the Quran,
Trigger of #NPCs,
Centrist Extremist,
Breaker of Newsfeeds,
and Mother of Memes"
Lover of freedom.
Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative,
pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution,
anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist,
anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration.
Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
Hi! 😙 My name is Chanda! 😚 I want to mеet friend for meetings! 😍 chеck link - http://bit.ly/2o424ZT , my lоgin - ualenfilneu1971 😙 I'll wait fоr yоu 💛😗😍