
What is best in life in the ruins of the Western civilization #KaliYuga #LifeStyle Resistance against the globalist empire.
Watch as I try to not completely trip over my own feet in whatever game I'm currently playing. If you do see me in a game, hope you're on the other team (you're likely safer).
I'm a Centurion of the Roman army by profession, but otherwise I'm quite a wiseass.
Is there any replacement for the world? [Join or search a group {click to one through a post header/title} to directly follow an essay and primary related work and content.] Share if you are a lover of wisdom.;referrer=DragonBlood300 (I generally write about the books in my library, the ones I am able to pick up, handle, and verify what I am writing about. I mostly have a large collection of Penguin classics and some other things concerning the War Poets of the early 19th century. I study Asian philosophy in China and Japan and India as well. I write aphorisms and sometime a little fiction. I try to wander through this where my mind leads. I thought I would write with a audience to motivate myself, with embarrassment, in learning my own studies and for only my wisdom. I have done much schooling, but ...we all know that school these days is a brainwashing factory, right? So...most of what I have learned on my own I still remember. Maybe I accidentally teach myself something and maybe someone accidentally learns to teach themselves a thing. That's what I think.) (A small word: you will have to be patient with idea presentation in this format. I am not contradicting myself if concepts demand more attention than space is available...ask for a reading list, I'll be happy to provide one.) (All the 'group' in which I have posted are mine for organizational purposes...just easier for extremely complex narratives) (If you post on my page or in the groups please try to stay on topic, be concise, write with nuance and have sources ready...accepted sources not nonsense--I keep a certain standard here. I don't think this is too much to ask. I consider this a sacred pursuit. If you shit post {specifically and intentionally disgusting material} I will permanently remove you. I am not being too serious, jokes are accepted. I don't want to see disgusting stupidities on my page, please. Stay classy and try to have fun.) (I can't believe I have to tell people this but: write and think at least a level above community college or I will hold you accountable, challenge your comments, destroy you; I will make an example of you. Get it? That's the level of thinking I expect and the example I myself set, I accept nothing less. So, step up your game or go play with the children.) YES, THIS PAGE IS ONE LARGE INTERLOCKING CONVERSATION ON HUMANITY. ...I am going on a journey? . . .
It's true, productivity is up and the economy is booming! Welcome to the Golden Age of Propaganda! (Disclaimer: none of the pictures on this channel were made by us. Also, feel free to understand that most of the posts are humor, thank you!)
“Let them take arms. . . . The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” -Thomas Jefferson
Jul 2017
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