
Quiet Man
Hello! I am a person who is often called old, or a senior now, but inside I don’t feel like I am any age at all. I battle with several illnesses, conditions, syndromrs and structural failings daily, but I no longer know how to live any other way. So to me I am just a normal human being. Test me out, you’ll see!
I haven't been a conservative all my life. I actually became a conservative when I rejected the leftist globalist dogma that was being forced fed down my throat as a Freshman at U.C. Berkeley. The more I opened my eyes and observed, the more I could see the dangers of leftist theology. As I gained more education in politics, history and economics, the more my eyes were opened. In this channel I will share my common sense, (mostly) colorblind conservative commentary on current events, politics and social issues. Take the red pill and let's hold hands as we go deeper down the rabbit hole and see how the world really works.
Gamer, worker, freedom lover, lets continue to grow and wake eachother up I'm linking to project veritas, and more importantly to an insider video on Google! Please go watch and spread the word. It was already taken down off YouTube: https://www.projectveritas.com/video/insider-blows-whistle-exec-reveals-google-plan-to-prevent-trump-situation-in-2020-on-hidden-cam/ Donations! Thank you so much for stopping by and showing some love it is so appreciated! @willieleev1971 @pauseoffury @milica42 @echolynfan @kenclark @delastman @boondocksbutnotasaint
We either wake from this comfortable slumber or die in the fire that is comeing
Sep 2018
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