Lopi ๐Ÿ“ธ

Lopi โ™ฅ๏ธ Porto, Portugal ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Love Photography ๐Ÿ“ท ๐Ÿ“ธ My advice to you guys win free crypto coins ๐Ÿ’ฐ ๐Ÿ’ธ : Use Brave Browser and Win Basic Attention Token (BAT) ๐Ÿฆ : http://brave.com/lop531 Use Presearch and Win Presearch Token (PRE) ๐Ÿ…ฟ๏ธ : https://www.presearch.org/signup?rid=1594212
I share and remind topics and articles I find interesting. I may not agree with all points of the articles or videos that I share, but nevertheless see it as worth discussing. I believe in the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights. I believe in the freedom of and for the individual. I believe in the absolute right of the individual to protect their lives, the lives of their kin and property. I believe in our God-given (whether you believe or not) human rights for all. I do not believe in extra or special rights or protections for anyone. This always leads to problems or a form of subjugation for those outside this special or "protected" class. I am for everyone being free to pursue their own livelihoods without other people or governments stepping in. The only legitimate purpose of a valid government is to keep the shared interests of its citizens maintained and to protect our rights, property and freedoms. The government should NEVER be used to try to force views or thoughts onto its citizens, nor to silence them. I am usually polite and often enjoy a discussion with others, regardless of whether or not I may agree with you on everything. As long as what you are fighting for does not impede my freedoms, I may even change my mind from time to time. Being offended is a neutral state for everyone except the person who is offended. If you are offended, you can learn to accept it, choose to ignore it, find a different path or reaction, or work to improve the factors involved; you may not change others to try to make them fit your perception of the correct way to do life. For your sake, if you are easily offended or can't live with the idea that others disagree with you, Grow Up. That is all.
Me, Just me. This is how I got past the 5000 character limit on the bio. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1364575682021036047
Simply me... navigating this world with new eyes....hard road yet beautiful life, irregardless .....as my truth then is not the truth now or may not be tomorrow ๐Ÿ’š
Dead Youth: A Comedy - When all 25 year olds start dying of an undiagnosable illness, one young man approaching what may be the end of his life takes refuge in denial, until his first experience with love shakes him out of his comfortable but deadening complacency. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deadyouthfilm/
We are at war. We are being assulted and the casualties are piling up....... Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying predatorclass. Above average interested in politics, geopolitics, exposing corruption in government and so called elites, exposing abuse and murder among the rich and powerful and all their human trafficking, warmongering and gunrunning. Actually I would love to see them all hang from a lamp pole on a saturday at noon. I`d bring good food, bubbles and make a picnic out of it ! With that said...I am a calm and reasonable person :-) Spend time learning and growing food. Does anyone believe in democracy? Democracies only work for the 51% Politicians say one thing in the election campaign and do something completely different as soon as they are elected. This is repeated every few years in an endless cycle of trickery and broken election promises. You decide. Time to wake up #thegreatawakeningworldwide #justsayno #unitednoncompliance #mother #wife #nurse #friend #realist #daydreamer. A MUST WATCH Splintering Babylon - Documentary by James Grundvig & Alexandra Bruce 1 hour 30 mins Title: Splintering Babylon - Documentary by James Grundvig & Alexandra Bruce . "Splintering Babylon: The Plan, Revelation, and the Path to Freedom" breaks many conventions on the lies of modern American history and the mythology around the Allies winning WWII. It also reveals the evil plans that are looming post COVID-19 "test run." . James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1689066731500212239?referrer=Terjesdatter #documentary #splinteringbabylon #jamesgrundvig #alexandrabruce #education HIGHLY RECOMMENDED A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer 1 hour 55 mins Part one of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5EAWnkwUuJWJ #education #afarewelltovirology #markbailey #stevefalconer #virologyhoax A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 2): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer 2 hours 20 mins Part TWO of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why. This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called "viruses" exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don't. https://www.bitchute.com/video/p1bkp55x78aK #education #afarewelltovirology #markbailey #stevefaconer #virologyhoax A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 3) DR MARK BAILEY / STEVE FALCONER 1 hour 35 mins Part THREE of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why. This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called "viruses" exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don't. https://www.bitchute.com/video/p8x4ARbKqzAj #education #markbailey #stevefalconer #afarewelltovirology #virologyhoax
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
I am a born Jamaican living in Los Angeles, California, musically fusing Reggae, Hip Hop, R&B, and EDM. Playing for YOU! #TogetherWeElevate #CaliboyCalwayne
I enjoy #gaming ๐ŸŽฎ creating #video content ๐Ÿ“บ and #art ๐ŸŽจ Check out my videos on #BitChute #Odysee #Rumble and #Kick where I indulge in my personal interests while hopefully entertaining some of you. Also the #memes ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ----------------------------------------------------------- ๐Ÿ’กSome great channels๐Ÿ’ก @Senpai_zeze_fly @WalrusMallone @Willieleev1971 @ChrisDoogood @RushOfWaves @StormFeather @AdamBaums @Kitch23 @Myincal @JhafarI @ThothTheAtlantean @SaneInAnAsylum @CensorshipSucks @DreagusProd @DavidHogg @BigbyLupo @PH1776 @MrsPH1776 ----------------------------------------------------------- Join these Groups: Rizzo's Gaming Room https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/960955185992003584 #MemeSupreme https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/899830471989624832 #MemeMediocre https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1277200750300106769 Official Gifs https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/844220536770330624 #GAMERtube https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/567372953759522816 ----------------------------------------------------------- Kindly support my 'work' by donating tokens, joining one of my Minds memberships, following me on my other social media sites ( https://linktr.ee/yorizzo ), up-voting/reminding my posts and by Subscribing to my SubscribeStar page: https://www.subscribestar.com/richard-rizzo ------------------------------------------------------------ All the #HashTags #TheRizzoShow #SocialCancer #MemeTheStream #RizzosRoom #gaming #retrogaming #memes #Odysee #BitChute #Rumble #Kick #AltTech #commentary #OriginalContent #WatchParty #video #review #ComicsSansCancer #RizzosGamingRoom #YoRizzo #1000Eyes ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank-you for swinging by ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Nov 2018
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