
Life is interesting enough without having to add jerks and arseholes into everything.
security systems engineer. teach the world about real history support CRT (critical race theory)
Luciferian, Gay Man, Feminist, Liberal (On the condition that democracy is real, which it isn't. No political posts from me.) Ave Lucifer! Hail Science! Hail Facts! Hail Education!
Official Minds Page of Temple of The Infinite Universe. Where Hermeticism meets Entrepreneurship.
No, we're not alone in the universe. But why should the aliens even want to talk to us?
I am a 25 year old revolutionest. My current passion is researching agroecology vs our conventional farming system. Taxes are avoidable, humans are free, and our bullshit system will fail. Hells ya :) Naturopata Studioso e Ricercatore Olistico. Autore e Scrittore di, Corsi, di Naturopatia, Salute e Benessere e Crescita Personale. Adatti a Tutti! Naturopath and Holistic Researcher. Author and Writer, Courses, Naturopathy, Health and Wellness and Personal Growth. Suitable for all!
Here to make awesome connections, if your content is unique you will get a mutual subscription. I do not judge and my friendship is not based on how much you are like me. I adore debate and finding differences and similarities in new people. 《NeoN Co-founder & Progressive Strategist》 What is NeoN you say? The vision at NeoN is to provide an alternative to the system, not just resist or fight it. Historic resistance has paved the way for our chance to contribute this vision. NeoN is the idea, common sense and ambition behind the NeoN projects.
Apr 2016
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