An animal lover loves without expecting anything in return. His love is pure and pure. It has endless feelings inside. They love in the most beautiful form of love. When you meet someone like this, he will put into you, what is meant, what pure and eternal love is.
Christ Follower
Authorized Dealer for sE Electronics, Ashdown, Washburn & many more professional instruments and pro audio!
One and Only, The 💩!
Most Artistically Innovative
Richest in The Known Universe
Unbeatable Infinite Wealth
Unbeatable Rap Speed
Unexpected hits
Anon side project .... ..... ..... ....... ....... ...... ..... ... ... .. ..... ... .... .....Main Hub:
[[[[]]]][][[[[][][]]]]]]]] ][][][][[[[[[]]]]]][][][][[[ [[][][][ []]]]]]]][ [[[[][][][][][][[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[][][] ][][][][ ]]]]]]]][ [[[[[[ ][][ ][ ][] [] [ ][ ][ ][ ][] [][][ ] [] [[ ] [] []]]]]][[[[][][][][][ ] ][ ][ ][ ][][][][ [] [][ ][]]]][ [ ][ ][] [ ][ ][ ][ ] []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[]][][[[][][[][][][][][][][][] ][][][ [][][] ] ][][][][][][]] ][][][][][][[][[][][][][][][][][] [][][ ][][][][][][][][] [ ][ ][ ][] [] [ ][ ][ [][][][][][[][][][][][] #Rapzillionaire
Just A Long Haired Hippie Rebel,
I am only a Messenger here to share ❤ Peace & Love ❤, One Love ❤
~ Rebel
Teaching pottery to adults with learning disabilities and looking for creative types to help free the people .
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