Spiral Observer

Reach out into the void and make something. I will drop art. (Only my own or re-post people I follow) I will post educational stuff because I love learning and teaching! If you post hate I will probably block you. I have only space for love. If you enjoy what you see! Like it! If you want to see more! Subscribe!
Truth does not waver ever, only our perception does. And it is our moral obligation to align our perceptions with truth so that our gained wisdom can manifest itself as moral right action. 👉 https://linktr.ee/SovereignLightWarrior #Truth #NaturalLaw #Knowledge #Morality #Wisdom #Right #Principles #SelfWork #SelfGovernance #Autonomy #Consciousness #Anarchy #Sovereignty #Freedom #Government #Slavery #Enslavement #Manipulation #Deception #Control #Occult #CosmicLaw #CosmicLaw #SelfDevelopment #Alchemy #Reality
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Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | Tim@SCNR.com
Avid reader and a lover of good music.
FarmerGirl 1st plus AI Artist cause it's so new & cool, for now. Yes, I produce some nsfw content because my clients love it but mostly I enjoy the sexy stuff. Yes, I'm a chick, fun loving, life experiencer on purpose.
The End of US Chapter 1 The End of US https://www.minds.com/blog/view/835215603103547392 Chapter 2 Home https://www.minds.com/blog/view/835266419459395584 Chapter 3 They are all dead https://www.minds.com/blog/view/835277710479626240 Chapter 4 Second Family https://www.minds.com/blog/view/837457894088835072 Chapter 5 Members of Society https://www.minds.com/blog/view/837805704265007104 Chapter 6 No Sleep No Peace https://www.minds.com/blog/view/840398246389456896 Chapter 7 Squeezed https://www.minds.com/blog/view/842897341157535744 Chapter 8 Rule of Law and Government https://www.minds.com/blog/view/845417839987548160 Chapter 9 Diplomatic Fail https://www.minds.com/blog/view/850493339597336576 Chapter 10 the Fight begins https://www.minds.com/blog/view/863162011189387264 Chapter 11 USNS Henson https://www.minds.com/Netjr/blog/usns-henson-873683492986937344 Chapter 12 Travels to Narva https://www.minds.com/Netjr/blog/travels-to-narva-874404233021267968 Chapter 13 Attack https://www.minds.com/Netjr/blog/attack-1061793293992009728 Updated January 2020 #minds #writing #books #politics If you don't like my posts and want to ignore me please do; if you want me to ignore you just down vote anything and I'll get right on to blocking you and ignoring you. https://www.minds.com/JonW116/
Many thanks to all who have Subscribed, given Up-Votes & Shared this channel content. I Aim to Recipricate all Shared "Reminds"! If you are interested in restoring individual sovereignty and would like to support my efforts.:: LTC: LKU6WaT6qiRPXTBpgrL5sDe9heYKww84tU BTC: 37UxguVeUvDe8bSSUJU8y7aM4jksnwEGQw ETH: 0xa1d458d9d7a53c851f9ed54b2bab649966c31c74 ARRR: zs165auk20pwwapzgq6qh8m3dmr9qk6krdvwc06rl8n5vv3p8s4zzuc3kvjmtqxqqq52z4z6hfrn8e QORT: QQho3FL1KZ3gFV446FCPzayDVxWWeFH55e
NZ music producer, artist & photographer ___________________________________ OTHER PAGES TO FOLLOW @treeoflogic @JamestheJust @delastman @WrapHops @ModernKatanaAcademy @PhilLB @Zombienomicon @axl100
Jan 2018
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