Hello, I like to do art and stuff, also winner of the prestigious "Pen & Paper Pro Award" and "One Art Cookie Award" from the Bootleg Mindsfest :D . If you like what you see let me know, prints and commissions available! I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it.
Get your own Booties Award:
Hi I'm Rusta0, an aspiring artist and cartoonist who's settled here. Here I upload art, drawings, and bits of other interests of mine.
I do both sfw and nsfw on a when I feel like it basis, so feel free to stick around if you appreciate either of those.
I exist all around the internet, check me out where you wish!
I mostly talk about video games and plan on making videos soon.
I welcome discussion of all ideas.
Remember, you can't always wait for games to find you. I've found so many games that I love when I started looking, but it's still not always easy. Which is why it's extremely important to promote what you love, so that others with shared interests can find it too, allowing it to grow.
I took too many projects and now on burnout route. I pray I finish what I started.
My website (work still in progress): https://notrocketscience.xyz/
I have several accounts on other social media which you can find if you look for social links in "about" section of my profile.
In case you want a download you may look here:
If you're missing one of my story sequences, you may check them out on deviantart:
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Artist, world builder, game designer, and occasional cyborg lich vtuber. Currently working on Crytures, a Pokemon-inspired tabletop RPG.
My Other Socials and Vtuber Channels: https://linktr.ee/dicebag
Just a small Strawberry flavored bunny trying to find her way in this strange yet fascinatingly hilarious world.
As for what I do...
I do what I want
Art: Commission work, Fan Art, and Coloring
Write, and Vtuber (gaming streamer).
Possibly let's play streaming (haven't done that in awhile)
... stuff like that
I know this doesn't sound very professional, but in a day and age where everyone either wants to all wear a mask of dignity or be a complete slob...
I am exhausted of it and would just rather be myself.
I will treat others by how much I know them and how I am treated. I try to put out as much positivity and objective thinking as possible so I receive the same treatment back.
If this is abused, I won't be so nice. Just because I am nice does not mean that I am open to being abused.
So with all that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy what I put up. And thank you so much for the support.