It's time to stop living in an illusion, rid yourself of the shackles that bound you and head towards the light of truth & freedom.
I'm just an old country boy. I try to avoid town as much as possible. Directions to my house include "turn off the dirt road, and it's another half mile up the driveway".
高橋みなみ (Minami Takahashi) aka たかみな(Takamina) is awesome. So far the only channel for Takamina.
Official Facebook death sentence: 25 January, 2024
Official Facebook execution: 23 July, 2024
Origin of my name:
Guns with women
Women with guns
Minami Takahashi
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
**PLEASE NOTE** I obtain content from public domain for this time line. It is not for profit or promotion, and any request for identification or removal will be honored.
I am what we are. When you succeed we all win, If I could help I win.I gain my strength one small heart felt moment of giving at a time, that in time you will want more for someone else as well. A stranger a victim or outcast, A some point most of us have been one of them.
I talk to angels and animals: facts! I have lucid dreams of the 144,000 celestial forces that align with the 144,000 genomes in the blood. The tarot is used in secret to build the ladder to the Tree of Life, leading to the Holy Guardian Angel. My goal is to have twelve decks for each gate which deepens the level of opening up these forces. Then I just got into building everything with music and animation, which is more germane to the dreams. We shall see, the city of heaven will be revealed with my every waking, when not farming, breath.