Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
I'm an old Nerd from the first days of the internet, with nuts that hang to my knees, a spot-on bullshit detector, and 35+ years of PURE research under my belt. Sources and Truth, or I promise to shine a thousand Suns upon you... Sunlight truly IS the BEST disinfectant. ;-D
Naturopata Studioso e Ricercatore Olistico. Autore e Scrittore di, Corsi, di Naturopatia, Salute e Benessere e Crescita Personale. Adatti a Tutti!
Naturopath and Holistic Researcher. Author and Writer, Courses, Naturopathy, Health and Wellness and Personal Growth. Suitable for all!
Trigger is a skater owned company developed to support talented riders and the extreme sports scene. Designed in Paris our products offer the liberty to express all your potential.
www.triggerextremesports.com[email protected]