I represent a Global Network of Sovereign Revolutionaries choosing to create Solutions for every challenge we face as the human race.
We are the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty. http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/
We provide tools for Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Financial Freedom to everyone. Our mission is to empower the human race by creating and expanding sustainable, ethical, cooperative systems of governance and value distribution that meet the needs of all people.
I am a 25 year old revolutionest. My current passion is researching agroecology vs our conventional farming system. Taxes are avoidable, humans are free, and our bullshit system will fail. Hells ya :)
Trigger is a skater owned company developed to support talented riders and the extreme sports scene. Designed in Paris our products offer the liberty to express all your potential.
www.triggerextremesports.com[email protected]