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Late night, brakes lock, hear the tires squeal Red light, can't stop, so I spin the wheel My world goes black before I Feel an angel steal me from the Greedy jaws of death and chance And pull me in with steady hands They've given me a second chance
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The focus of this site page is on Kikou Rōnin Kasshoku Magic, a sub-practice of Ayame Kikou or non-martial Neigong (Nei Kung). This page is operated by the same group that operates @TheLesserMonkey. The Ayame Kikou Research Group began on this site page with six writers in June of 2015. Within three months, the mainstay of truly good writers, philosophers and passionately active people (outside of our group) were forced off by intensely aggressive trolls. With Minds dot com not desiring to censor in any way, and not allowing members to privately censor those who were here solely to disrupt communication, the site sank into total chaos and has never recovered from that loss. Cross platform communication came to a halt. Within a handful of months, the meme and link artists took over with the trolls still wandering free and in charge. Free speech took on a different flavor. It wasn’t free. Communication ended for the most part. We came back on in October of 2015 under the name of The Lesser Monkey and slowly built up our writing staff to 24 people, all of whom are professionals in various fields of human studies and communication including business. We persisted for a year and a half, ending December 2 of 2016. We posted almost 200 blogs within 1,444 posts all pertaining to sociopolitical content and essays on our real passion concerning the effect that ch’i has on the human body and mind. It is the latter work that created this research group over a 30 year period of time. Why do we still maintain a presence on Minds? Presence is power. It ignites in subtle ways. If you care to understand our current work for this site page, you will need to read this page and do as it suggests on The Lesser Monkey profile page: If you are interested in that collection of work, you can find our essays at Also recently re-opened and active:
----- 86I68 ------ %888% Rickard Erik Stigson I=88=I  Info-Warrior by Day Dis-info Legend by Night ----- Fighter, Philosopher, Game-developer, Internet Activist, Truther, Joker. Chess-player(just msg for game!). ---------------------------------------- Admin of Group: Open Chat ----------------------------------------
Memes, music and beautiful images... Enjoy 😘 Check out my tribe. More will be added. @myincal @AdamBaums @TwiinScorpio @JhafarI @StormFeather @Antisocial_Network_Radio @yorizzo
Live thru love ❤️ find your truth 👁 reclaim your power 💪 reinvent the world 🌎 decentralize everything with #Nexus $NXS ~ deep seek w/me 👽 Connect with me here: Twitter: YouTube: Website:
Marijuana advocate, Creator, Ever Evolving Being. Looking through the cracks for some of the truth before it's over...
Sep 2015
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