
Libertarian Socialist (and no, that's not an oxymoron)
Hi, I am Alma from the city of Philadelphia, USA. I am the director administrator of the company (wheels discount auto). I love to go out travelling, playing games. I want to learn about kollegal black magic temple. I coordinating daily operational functions, streamlining management systems, monitoring budgets, supervising managers, improving business efficiency, requesting audits, and analyzing financial. I am responsible for supporting my organisation in a variety of ways.
Whether It Offends You Or Not, I Will Always Be "Unapologetically American" --- #Trump Won & #FJB
thank you for viewing my channel A daughter of Zion AJS breed A digital entrepreneur Forex mentor A relationship coach
I was the leading figure of the spiritual and psychological warfare for 17 years.
Treat people you meet with kindness and respect. If they reciprocate, you have a friend I don't drink the red kool-aid or the blue kool-aid. Snarky, shit posts will be deleted and ya may be blocked. Sorry, but I don’t need anymore of that crap in my life… Account created on: Jun 19, 2015 11:09:12 PM
Sic semper tyrannis, the winners of wars write history like the MSM tells the truth A fraud president has no nation the fraudemic is evident the sky is falling again How is your fraudemic today? always have to play the players before they play you "life is a journey travel" fraudemics suck the looneys are running the asylum government has proven to be non essential during this false flag event they should prorate property tax ......they did nothing for months and months and months the treason is real government has proven to be non - essential ungovernable government is non-essential, obviously the beginning is near common sense is not very common anymore fuk government it violates human rights the beginning is near scamdemic water takes up 10% more volume when it freezes google stop being evil those who control the memes control the world decentralized avoid the democrat(pedocrat) for happy life One Race, Human Race Human Race, One Race everybody has to get microwaved 5G Ameriphoebes suck socialism is communism for dummies mandatory daily drug testing for all public servants except, garbage men and dog catchers scandal = felony ....lets be politically correct politics.... poly = many..... tics = parasites There is nothing politically correct and there will never will be! politically correct is an oxymoron
100% NON-VIOLENT! Unique & Original Content & Commentary.......... All the time. Self-Proclaimed Trends Forecaster "The Search & Rescue Mission Has Begun." A Special Thank YOU to @MINDSGAMING / @Aragmar / @Peggy2 / @Maximillian / @kerasimeonov / @censorshipsucks ------Bullhorn Barry
Peace Love and Empathy 🙈🙉🙊 Welcome friends @MINDS I hope you enjoy my channel. If you like something, please feel free to remind, I will return favor when possible. 😊 I devote a lot of time sharing a favorite Artist, George Redhawk. MINDS Click 'posts' in # search to find all tagged posts; #GeorgeRedhawk #Art #TheRedhawkEffect You can get to know him here, My own photography of the beautiful South Coast of NSW Australia is a new passion I look forward to sharing I love to find the best in people. I chose not to share my political opinions here.
God is my only authority. #fuckthestate
Open minded travel - fashion - food - nature enthusiast. Environmentalist and Therapist The very first blogger on Minds. #SeeWhereIgo Every day new travel inspiration All content is my original #OriginalContent My other channel: My story:
Feb 2018
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