A place to share Art's pics but don't forget to mention the author/credit when you know it.
If it's not a painting, choose a more appropriate group!
Artistic photos : https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/905849413334306816/feed
Moderator : @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche
I delete publications not related to the topics of this group.
Please avoid low quality images, blurry, or pixelized pics
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.( .. : . .)¸
😎 Viewer discretion advised 😎
🧞♀️ If it is not related to magic, please choose a more appropriate group to post your photo. Thank you. 🧐
Don't forget to mention the author's name / credit .
admin : @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche
I delete publications not linked to the topics of this group.
Plz avoid posting poor quality images, blurry or pixelized.
#BlueLivesDontMatter This may be a shocking name for a group, but it's purpose is to pose the question: WHY IS IT SO EASY to find SO MANY examples of cops that need a good swift kick in the face? I'll be able to post a new example EVERY DAY! If you a