Not "Left" Not "Right" Not Centralized.
Option 4 Libertarian. (Anti Mass Murder)
Shocked Minds did not get grounded faster.
Got #ETH Peace?
Sociology not Politics #NPC
Get it? @IndieMindEQ
It's time to stop living in an illusion, rid yourself of the shackles that bound you and head towards the light of truth & freedom.
Free Minds. Free People.
Welcome to the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability.
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Simply me... navigating this world with new eyes....hard road yet beautiful life, irregardless my truth then is not the truth now or may not be tomorrow 💚
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
~Patrick Henry
This channel may feature wildlife, guitars, cars, satire and parody, science, swords, and art.
I regularly create unique and original content to improve my channel. I hope you can find something here which interests or stimulates you.
★ Fauna and flora photography posted here is my own property with all rights reserved ★
★ All wildlife images posted here are taken in the wild (no photos of captive animals) ★
Many thanks to all minds who have viewed and shared this content. Thanks to those who have subscribed or perhaps unsubscribed. Thanks for just stopping by.
Introvert, Digital soldier, Internet warrior, Patriot, GenX, Bitcoiner, Pureblood, Critical thinker and Fed up.
"In the warrior's code there's no surrender."