
Anti-islamist, anti-feminist, anti-SJW. --- I love vegan food, but I'm not a vegetarian, I just happen to eat veggies - A lot. --- Atheist, animal/nature defender, music lover, gamer, interested in science and art. Love traveling and seeing different cultures and architecture. --- Owner of the most beautiful cat in the world. --- PS: If you are one of those who think there are more than 2 genders, or if you are one of those little pretty heads posting selfies.. then please -turn around. Snowflakes in general, take a hike. --- For everyone else: #FollowBack (when I notice).
Cryptocurrency lover| Investor | entrepreneur | blogger | #Followme #Followback #follow4follow
Working stiff making cartoons on the side a poet and a M.G.T.O.W all of my videos are on Vidme @JeffStrike if you want to see them all in one place. Pinterest link also I use a fake name but that is par for the course.
g͡ag͡ag͡a An Odinist from Northern Europe.
Everything about the Justice System, laws, true stories, prisons, history, court, documentaries, courses, discussions, etc.... And Justice Systems in different countries of the world. #law #justice #court #documentary #prison #discussion #conviction #accusation #injustice #system #trial #case #legal #government #rights #human #wrongfully_convicted #inquiry #police #judge #lawyer #free #jury
There is hope for humanity.
~Warning: I might make you think about stuff. ~Tweets are mine from my Twitter account by the same name, some are years old. ~If it's longer than a tweet then I'm just throwing out ideas. Feel free to comment in any way you want to. ❤
Fuck the Government!
Oct 2016
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