🇺🇸VeteranOwned&Operated 👊🏼Taking the Hipster out of your Coffee & AddingA Little BadAss to it EveryBagHelpsAVeteran Try a bag👇🏼Mission VetCode:BKGONZO
"Who needs the moon, when we've got the stars...."
You and I probably don't share the same politics (I'm a free thinker and do not fall into any classification) but I'm sure that we can find interesting things to discuss.
I would rather focus on what brings us closer together than what divides us. I enjoy knowledge for its own sake, not to forward ANY agenda, and not to manipulate others. If I share something, it is out of caring.
I'm not into propaganda (of any side) or hatred (of any group)!
I'm not into blanket condemnations. (for example, a statement like "mainstream media is all lies".
Mainstream media hardly ever gets things right, and they are often used to spread disinformation, but blanket denials are dangerous, they give the brain the wrong message and teach the brain bad habits. INFORMATION should be examined and judged on its own.
And, if a person doesn't watch mainstream media, why would said person talk about it all of the time?
This habit demonstrates a lack of wisdom. Any human being who wants to make a difference in their own lives or the world should focus on what they DO have power to change.
While you are focusing on things you have no power over, it might make the ego feel powerful, and it might bring you closer to your own mob of believers (your brand of sheeple), but it robs the being of any real power, and therein lies no real unity.
Want to begin to approach freedom? Learn to mindwash the brain. The brain has been programmed from birth, and I venture to say that most of its programs were not written by you!
*I'm a student of natural, evidence-based medicine*
*I'm small business owner/entrepreneur*
*I'm a student of exercise, fitness, and longevity*
*I'm a reluctant writer/author*
Account created on: Jun 19, 2015
**PLEASE NOTE** I obtain content from public domain for this time line. It is not for profit or promotion, and any request for identification or removal will be honored.
I am what we are. When you succeed we all win, If I could help I win.I gain my strength one small heart felt moment of giving at a time, that in time you will want more for someone else as well. A stranger a victim or outcast, A refugee...at some point most of us have been one of them.
peace , equilibrium, justice, harmony,
Mostly, I do not own, claim to own, nor created any of the content. I just share, uploaded and downloaded from other social media platforms and websites.
Welcome ☕☕..Friend.