
All I have is imagination, so I put it to work writing stories that no one has read before. My Kindle author page is here:
The largest online discussion forum and community for any topics related to animals or pets.
Interested in art, science, spirit, and truth. I like to read articles and I'm interested in uncensored journalism. Also, I like mystical things - symbolism, hidden meanings, and the vast undiscovered void. A psychologist and content creator. I've been working as a freelancer lately - I write scripts and e-books, offer counselling and guidance, and I also do photo editing, design, music production, and voice acting. If you need anything, you can message me. In my free time I like to draw, do collages, watch movies, write poetry, make music, get lost in fantasies, and I love to read (books, comics, anything mysterious, like secrets or riddles). Oh, and memes - memes are forever.
Semiprofessional meme (re-) cutter - The Truth will set us free -
I am a novelist and a philosopher.
Exposing The Truth About The Music Industry
Singer, Screamer and Lyricist
Truth Hides in Darkness, Until the Coming of The Light; Look and See, a New Dawn is Rising; The Sun Heralds the Return of Pride in Truth and Life and Light. Be this House like a Beacon in The Darkness, and a Place of Refuge for Seekers of Truth and Life through The Word. Telos: To help Build and Maintain a Community dedicated to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Enlightenment and Empowerment. 🔻 Scroll Down for Links to stuff (updates periodically) 🔻 Psst. Hey, you, wanna buy some merch? 💲BRB Media Store: 📙Substack: (articles; developing content / looking for writers!) 🔴Odysee: (On-Ground Coverage Stuff; Developing/Hiring) 🟢RUMBLE: (Under Construction; Developing/Hiring) ⭕BITCHUTE: (Under Construction; yada yada) Don’t have a Minds or Odysee account yet? 💡MINDS Referral: 🔴Odysee Referral:$/invite/@The.Blackrock.Beacon:8:
argg we are not the lights dancing on the wall not the prism that divides and distorts us not the apature that produces this matrix WE ARE THE LIGHT i wish someone would tell me that.... when the polish woman was unique.. "i think you are james" struck me.... knowing it is all "A Game" i am uncertain... NOT fifty of five hundred faces and musicians talking to "those who chose to hear" Profound Deja Vu shit is killing me.. is wonderful. .... IS IT REAL. ?What happened in that forest...> the screams in our minds.... grandma's childhood picture... "gone away" played so many times... so many little birds Classmate IS It Really you? i have said,,,EITHER WAY, we are still friends.. Best friend i have ever had ...only you know whether that is SAD or Special... is it you,,,,
Drawing and painting portraits of people and animals as an aide-mémoire of your loved ones that will last forever.
Sep 2016
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