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It's been a while since I came here and it's time to move forward. Soon, will start reviewing Gunpla/Plamo models and model tools. Will keep working on anime waifus so stay and enjoy my company.
Just A Friendly Polar Bear
I'm ROARY the Motherfucking Lion
I talk about all the horrible things on the internet and get really mad.
Michel Bauwens is the founder and director of the P2P Foundation and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property. Michel is also research director of a platform for policy development aimed toward a society of the Commons and a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group, with Silke Helfrich and David Bollier, organizers of major global conferences on the commons and economics. He has (co-)published various books and reports in english, dutch and french, such as (with Vasilis Kostakis), such as ‘Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy’, and more recently, P2P, A Commons Manifesto (Westminster Un. Pr. 2019). Michel currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand and in 2017, has crafted a Commons Transition Plan for the city of Ghent in Belgium, after a similar project for Ecuador in 2014. For the next three years he is also advizer to, a fast growing European labour mutual for autonomous workers, seeking welfare reform (commonfare), while looking into biocapacity-based, contributive accounting mechanisms. Michel has been a candidate for the European Parliament, for the Flemish Green Party but as an independent candidate, on May 26, 2019. His last report, P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival, examines which shared accounting systems are needed for production within planetary boundaries. He is currently working on prototyping a MOOC on commons-based economics. Michel is presently advisor to the Co-Creation Foundation in Vienna, and to One Project.
Right-Wing Libertarian, here to escape the Twatter! Going to be cutting back on politics and just trying to find new frens to engage with and shitpost with :3
We live in a society. A society without big mommy cowgirl milkers
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Feb 2017
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