Welcome to #LandMinds!
Viral reach spreading outside of #Minds!
Plant your Land Minds to spread the social revolution!
This is a decentralized, cryptic, slap-tagging game with prizes and many ways to participate.
Get working on creating your own stickers, flyers, or looking for methods to participate and start winning points!
Step 1: Choose LandMinds
Step 2: Print & Stick!
(We have paste tutorials) (;
Step 3: Make sure to take a picture of your work before you leave the scene.
Tag @Land_Minds / #LandMinds in the description of your post!
Step 4: Profit in sweet sweet Minds points!
We're starting with a pregame,
purely to load up cities with taggers
before we begin the official game.
THANK YOU to #LandMinders
already kicking some serious butt
to get the game off the ground, (well, maybe on the ground
depending how you look at it).
For alternative methods of participation:
And take a few minutes
to read some of our suggestions:
Perpetual Traveller, Expat, Asia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and more.
Hello Minds. I am here to connect with others, talk about being a Perpetual Traveller, Content Producer, Blogger, Making Money Online, Content Syndication, SEO, and more.
You know what they say. "Great Minds Think Alike"
This is one of my videos about hosting your blog for free on the cloud, with 100% uptime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie3zLqOzKw4to#Asia#Vietnam#Expat
Expat in Vietnam, Expat in Asia, Expat Taiwan, and more.