WHAT WE ARE: A Specialized Investigative Media System (SIMS) that monitors Government Activities using video and audio surveillance of public officials and the system that they function within. WE ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT AGENCY Our focus is local centric as "The people's" natural rights are most vulnerable where they reside. “The people’s” property and possessions are at most risk by local politicians and the corrupt actors that direct them. Without oversight, these actors consume our liberty and put our freedoms in jeopardy. VISIT: OPERATION: SEARCH: Every word, each motion, vote, action is collected, transcribed and searchable. A video clip of the search parameter is created and is listed for viewing. Example: Police; Each time “Police” “Law Enforcement” is mentioned or a report generated during a meeting, the data is segregated and the actions placed into the PAU. OPERATION: PAU: The police accountability unit is the method used to hold accountable law enforcement officials. The system augments the New Hampshire Statute: RSA 106-L:17: The established Law Enforcement Conduct Review Committee or LECRC. The statute allows for the proper and fair processing of grievance reports filed through the chief executive officer of any law enforcement agency. The PAU will actively follow grievances we are made aware of. OPERATION: LRU: The Legal Review Unit is the method questionable actions of officials is segregated. Example: LRU will be attached in the same data line where the questionable action was taken. The LRU is responsible for delegating possible legal actions to be taken.
location_onNew Hampshire
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WHAT WE ARE: A Specialized Investigative Media System (SIMS) that monitors Government Activities using video and audio surveillance of public officials and the system that they function within. WE ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT AGENCY Our focus is local centric as "The people's" natural rights are most vulnerable where they reside. “The people’s” property and possessions are at most risk by local politicians and the corrupt actors that direct them. Without oversight, these actors consume our liberty and put our freedoms in jeopardy. VISIT: OPERATION: SEARCH: Every word, each motion, vote, action is collected, transcribed and searchable. A video clip of the search parameter is created and is listed for viewing. Example: Police; Each time “Police” “Law Enforcement” is mentioned or a report generated during a meeting, the data is segregated and the actions placed into the PAU. OPERATION: PAU: The police accountability unit is the method used to hold accountable law enforcement officials. The system augments the New Hampshire Statute: RSA 106-L:17: The established Law Enforcement Conduct Review Committee or LECRC. The statute allows for the proper and fair processing of grievance reports filed through the chief executive officer of any law enforcement agency. The PAU will actively follow grievances we are made aware of. OPERATION: LRU: The Legal Review Unit is the method questionable actions of officials is segregated. Example: LRU will be attached in the same data line where the questionable action was taken. The LRU is responsible for delegating possible legal actions to be taken.
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location_onNew Hampshire