WHAT WE ARE: A Specialized Investigative Media System (SIMS) that monitors Government Activities using video and audio surveillance of public officials and the system that they function within. WE ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT AGENCY Our focus is local centric as "The people's" natural rights are most vulnerable where they reside. “The people’s” property and possessions are at most risk by local politicians and the corrupt actors that direct them. Without oversight, these actors consume our liberty and put our freedoms in jeopardy. VISIT: OPERATION: SEARCH: Every word, each motion, vote, action is collected, transcribed and searchable. A video clip of the search parameter is created and is listed for viewing. Example: Police; Each time “Police” “Law Enforcement” is mentioned or a report generated during a meeting, the data is segregated and the actions placed into the PAU. OPERATION: PAU: The police accountability unit is the method used to hold accountable law enforcement officials. The system augments the New Hampshire Statute: RSA 106-L:17: The established Law Enforcement Conduct Review Committee or LECRC. The statute allows for the proper and fair processing of grievance reports filed through the chief executive officer of any law enforcement agency. The PAU will actively follow grievances we are made aware of. OPERATION: LRU: The Legal Review Unit is the method questionable actions of officials is segregated. Example: LRU will be attached in the same data line where the questionable action was taken. The LRU is responsible for delegating possible legal actions to be taken.
location_onNew Hampshire
News reports and journalism free from corporate and government influences. x spam, x ads, x off topic junk please
A group for the coding naggers from all horizons, for every man and woman interested in the craft of writing code from interesting projects to design patterns and much more. It's perfectly okay to share external links so long as these relate to software development, this includes but is not limited to personal experiences writing a bit of code, some news about programming language or tutorials. Any spam-like activity will be immediately banned especially if it has no connection to software development. Other than that, any discussion around computer science from coding to frameworks and languages is welcome.
Welcome to Police Misconduct, a dedicated group focused on raising awareness, advocating for justice, and addressing issues of police misconduct. Our community is committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and reform within law enforcement. In this group, we come together to share news articles, videos, and personal experiences that shed light on instances of police misconduct. We encourage respectful discussions and thoughtful analysis of these incidents, aiming to foster a better understanding of the underlying problems and their impact on communities. Our primary goal is to work towards systemic change by promoting dialogue, supporting affected individuals, and advocating for police accountability measures. We believe that every community deserves fair and just policing, and we strive to amplify voices calling for transparency, unbiased investigations, and appropriate consequences for officers who abuse their power. As members of Police Misconduct, we encourage the sharing of resources, research, and initiatives that promote police reform and community engagement. Through collective action, we aim to drive positive change by collaborating with organizations, legal experts, and community leaders who share our commitment to ending police misconduct. Join us in our efforts to make a difference. Together, we can work towards a future where trust, fairness, and equal treatment are at the core of our law enforcement systems.
New Hampshire
Feb 2018
Channel Views