
Good at getting through traumatic situations. Bad at housecleaning. I am a married mother of four. I have a YouTube channel talking about sex and gender related issues (abortion, men’s rights, men’s dating advice). Right now I’m shifting my focus to transgender issues. Not the ones you’re hearing about in the news. Instead I’ll be talking about the transgender issues you don’t hear about because transgender people refuse to talk about them. This socially reinforced silence hurts transgender people, like myself, who often live in secretive confusion because the trans community is so tight-lipped about its true nature. If you wish to join me on my journey: YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCAvCKML_JUXi4jfUdFz7LGg SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/oakleavesandonions Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/oakleavesandonions
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