
Reactionary, esoteric, vaporwave, fashwave art. Not all posts are mine, some are made myself. Message me art to post
Politically retired, God minded. 🙏 Most censored Christian mother in America. Fake news target and stalking survivor. Christ loves you and so do I ❤️ "He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end. He never stops desiring what he already knows." –St. Gregory of Nissa Wifewithapurpose.com
Entertainer, Journalist, Free Speech Advocate, Political Pundit
Politically Incorrect - And Always Right Gab: https://gab.com/PNN WrongThink: https://wrongthink.net/polNewsNetwork
Hello, I am Libby from Sweden. I am a Graphics Designer.Love to do Photography, traveling etc.I like to buildup online friendship and community.
• ᠌ ᠌ • ⎳ ▬ Yeah maybe I've been banned 15 times but at least I haven't been expelled from 109 countries. I am convinced that Black people are mk ultra Psyop sleeper cell agents and the word nigger is their trigger word to activate violent insurrection Give a white man a hammer and he will build you a civilization. Give a Chinaman a hammer and he will build you a million more. Give a black man a hammer and he will beat and rape your daughter. Give a Jew a hammer and he will put it in the hand of a black man. "First they came for the blacks – I said nothing. Then they came for the Jews – Still, I said nothing. Then they came for the Mexicans – Finally I said something: “Are you sure you got all the Jews?” "and that's when the mohel grabbed the baby and bit off its dick with his own mouth Moishe" jewsplaining kikesplaining cuntsplaining fagsplaining trannysplaining camelfuckersplaining blacksplaining nogsplaining dindusplaining spicsplaining chinksplaining soysplaining cucksplaining
'm a samurai, my name is Gabe. I make YouTube videos and piss off feminists because hey! I have nothing better to do. Trumps my president.   My channel link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIrX7ETpLaKaw-MM9E5SM9w
- Quick Rundown - Pro-white politics and technology are two of my primary interests, hence the reason I'm here. Still in the process of developing a worldview...time will tell. I prefer anticipation of the future to nostalgia of the past. Our past should be learned from, not fetishized. Minds is awesome, looking forward to seeing the platform expand. Used to run several large political Discord servers, met a lot of great people, good times. I really need to get around to doing Youtube videos. ------------------------------------------------------------ ✅ - Friends - Pro-White Politics - Technology - Futurism - Vidya ❌ - (((Enemies))) - Anarcho-Primitivists - Brainlets - Spergs - E-Drama ------------------------------------------------------------ - Recommended Channels - @aglockfanboy @artcarnage @boundbyblood @cimo331 @colinflaherty @crossroadsproductions @direwolf1488 @doomguard1488 @fenria14 @gnugaz @heir_of_sigma @identityevropa @ig_farben @jack_offington @kemperor @kkkawaii @lawerewolf @mickycoy3020 @millennialwoes @minura @rebelradio @shabbosshekels @silentmajorityrising @tstjohn @wayoftheworld @whitefirerising @wifewithapurpose
Nov 2018
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