Pro 1st and 2nd amendments,
well pro bill of rights really.
Pro individual liberty and responsibility.
Pro humor, sarcasm and nice pictures.
Ex Navy.
Anti group think because no individual is a demographic.
Pro USA.
It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good.
We have come a long way and will continue to improve.
I like to argue. Having to defend my presumed position forces me to examine what I think I believe. It tickles my brain. If you don't want to argue, then don't respond, I will not hound you.
"I might disagree with your opinion, but I'm willing to give my life for your right to express it."
🌟Hello my name is:🌟
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I will try to share with you the latest on news, beautiful art, and information that will make you think, and occasionally some music.
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Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
Deutsch Englisch Kanal
German English channel
Holocaust Revisionism (Videos) and some other stuff.
Holocaust Revisionismus (Videos) und sonst noch was.