
Your favorite foulmouthed gothic lion|Artist|Poet|Face by https://twitter.com/CFXunmasked |KS:4|โš WARNINGโš : 21+|๐Ÿ”žAdults only๐Ÿ”ž|Non-PC|NSFW|Pronouns: Ass/Asses/Asself/Asshole I am a being who chooses to be seen and heard as PhantomLion, I am not a man, I am an idea. The idea that anyone can be whoever, and whatever they wish to be.
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I am nothing and nobody. We all have a metasona. It's a projection of who we are and how we represent ourselves. Those who wear masks have a metasona of who they are inside. Those that show a face are fake. I do not exist.
Skeptical Analytical Open-minded Individualistic
There is hope for humanity.
~Warning: I might make you think about stuff. ~Tweets are mine from my Twitter account by the same name, some are years old. ~If it's longer than a tweet then I'm just throwing out ideas. Feel free to comment in any way you want to. โค
I don't respond well to threats of violence, even if somebody took a vote. I am a wannabe podcaster. You can listen to the podcast at: www.anchor.fm/frontporchanarchast I've never been much of a conformist. You'll find that my podcast doesn't conform, either. I babble on and on about freedom, anarchy, voluntaryism, and personal responsibility.
Oct 2016
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