
Aquarius with a pointed attitude. Introduction My current studies are Global Activism, Repurposing, Upcycleing, Recycling,, Food Conservation and adequate water access.Free Energy and all other Reliable sources of stow able energy,Great People I try too Idolize; Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton,Charles Darwin, Archelaus, Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein,   x___still left to be Decided_____.   Not A God Fearing Creature, Perpetual Motion intrigues me often. We Were Never Alone. Where humanity ends up a thousand years from now? Well Who knows at this point. Lets Just hope Earth has a Peaceful existence.  Special note to NSA,FBI,DHS,CIA and all other Agencies and Interested Parties " i am not a Freedom fighter, I DO NOT Have association with Terrorist organizations. Nor do I believe negotiation is possible with Terrorist & their Group Supporters. I'm Simply the Voice of the American People and those silenced or incapable throughout the World. If you Hear Me It's Because you Should. We will Fight to Keep Our Freedoms and Rights Intact. Expect Us              Occupation Global Activist Skills Presenting News the Liberal media refused to broadcast. Standing up again'st the Negative forces that influence Society ,educating, Aiding others in need, Spreading Awareness, communicating & including isolated Communities & Individuals from around the Would, Acting for The Better of Mankind, Working towards the Greater Good, Maintaining Peace in an otherwise disordered Society....... An Activist
This channel is dedicated to watching out for our environment. An environment (biophysical) is the physical and biological factors along with their chemical interactions that affect an organism or a group of organisms. An environment (systems) refers to the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties.
♾ ♓ ♫Arts✎ ☢Science☣ ♱Spirituality☯ ☻Individuality☺ ☮Live long & prosper❤
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As you can see I'm just normal
Scionism Official Page A religion for people that believe heaven is nature, and that our spiritual duty is to take care of it. Our mission is to further develop terraforming technology and to protect and expand nature.
The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a collective embodiment of Unconditional Love. Our purpose is to empower the Human Race with effortless access to all forms of nourishment and tools for mental, physical, and spiritual Sovereignty. We believe we are ascending beyond the need for non-consensual governance, fear and concepts of scarcity. We have chosen to create and empower new systems of global, sustainable, ethical and transparent cooperative governance and resource distribution. We are co-creating these new ways of being by unifying all those who choose alignment with unconditional support and compassion. By bringing together ecovillages, revolutionary technology companies, humanitarian organizations, political and environmental activists, spiritual practitioners, temples, artists and cooperative businesses we are growing a foundation for global solutionary empowerment, peace and abundance. You are invited to rise up and empower yourself with us as we create an Abundant and Peaceful World that provides for all of its People. Should you choose to accept this invitation, please comment below with a declaration of your support by sharing your intentions. More details on the people, networks and organizations we are connecting can be found here http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/updates/awakening-sovereignty-collaborative-network/
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers. There are many places to go beyond belief. Those challenges are yours--in many fields, not the least of which is space, because there lies human destiny." ~ Neil Armstrong
Jun 2015
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