
Father of two wonderful children, musician, poet, lover of nature, science, and politics. Atheist Marxist Anti-Fascist LGBTQ Feminist My grammar sucks thanks for reminding me If you are racist, sexist, whatever you side with hateful rhetoric I will block you. I refuse to legitimize and give voice to your beliefs.
A listing of the various Atheist-related and Skeptic-related Groups (Communities) on Minds. Please limit posts to links to Groups, not posts about atheism or skepticism. Thanks. Same type community on G+:
The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video talk podcast hosted by American comedian, actor, sports commentator, and television host Joe Rogan. #JRE #Rogan #Podcasts #Interviews #Archives #Comedy #Talk #Shows
Admin: @FretzCapo Admin: @rodfather Mod: @Shakara Mod: @GenXpat đŸ“© PM me if you'd be interested in helping out moderating. 🎾đŸŽčđŸŽ·đŸ„đŸŽ»đŸŽșđŸŽ”đŸŽŒđŸŽ¶đŸŽ§đŸŽ™ 60s music and musical artwork is welcome! Please tag posts. Mandatory tags: #Music #60sMusic Optional tags: genre, artist, year Off topic posts and spam will be deleted and repeat offenders will be blocked and removed from the group. No more than 5 posts in a row, please. Blocking an admin is also not permitted so do not do it.
ALL things crypto and virtual currency #altcoin #blockchain #encryption N.B. ALL commercial group content requires a single Token donation Group Admin @FacebookFluxx69 #FacebookFluxx69 Mod @TechnoMageB5 #TechnoMageB5
#History is a set of LIES agreed upon. Napoleon Bonaparte 'History is written by the WINNERS of WARS.' #Anonymous
Music to Revolt By Post all music containing any alternative themes in the lyrics or the title. Subjects like NWO,Illuminati, anti-war, anti-government, conspiracy, mind control UFOs, aliens and REVOLUTION.
A comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually speaking directly to them. The performer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic, comedian, stand-up comedian, or simply a stand-up. #Comedy @Jokerman
Le Punk n’est pas un style trĂšs populaire ni trĂšs apprĂ©ciĂ©. Pour comprendre le Punk il faut admettre que c’est un style unique : le seul style qui n'a pas pour vocation de plaire ou d'ĂȘtre agrĂ©able. Le Punk est une rĂ©bellion, une protestation, une revendication. Il peut difficilement ĂȘtre jugĂ© sur la maitrise des interprĂštes ou la justesse des notes. Le Punk c’est de l’art brut, non raffinĂ© . C’est un cri d’alarme, une thĂ©rapie, un exorcisme, une expĂ©rimentation. Il revendique la libertĂ© d’expression, la libertĂ© de non jugement. La libertĂ© de l’amateurisme. La primautĂ© du ressenti, la sincĂ©ritĂ© de l'interprĂ©tation plutĂŽt que son exactitude ou la justesse de l’interprĂ©tation. Un groupe Punk qui rencontre le succĂšs et se professionnalise n'est plus vraiment un groupe punk, a ce stade il disparaĂźt ou devient un groupe de Rock. Un bon son punk est un son transgressif Punk is not a very popular or appreciated style. To understand Punk, you have to admit it's a unique style: the only style that is not intended to please or to be popular . It's useless to judge it by the mastery of the interpreters or the accuracy of the notes. Punk is a protest, a request, a riot, a rebellion, it's a deprogramming. What's matter in Punk is the sincerity. Punk is a raw art, not refined. It's a warning call, a therapy, an exorcism, an experience. it claims freedom of expression, the freedom of non judgment. The freedom of amateurism. The primacy of feeling rather than the accuracy and precision of interpretation. A successful and professional punk band no longer does punk, usually at this stage it disappears or becomes a rock band. Translated with
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