Porter ✅

"THIS Was a ABANDONED CHANNEL" It has now been taken over by https://www.facebook.com/shayla.rayecody.1 My other personality..) this one is a little more of Entwined with the buzzing in my head .. I am a rebel and might be a little more moody than Porter .. ok .. ok ..upbeat stuff Is fun but Expectations are not .. so don’t expect poop and you won’t be let down , but let’s hope for the best ,I love all kinds of stuff .. so I don’t know what she might post so be aware .. deep down she’s just sad and lonely because she expects more than can be given & expects perfection but will never obtain it.... I enjoy astral projection music and Music To Meditate & Pray by #music porterskingdom https://www.facebook.com/shayla.rayecody.1 But never really do ...if you want to share some of your upbeat stuff ..lets do it..) .......................................................................................................................................................................Channels I love............... @K23News @DeadyPolarBear @StandingOak @Willieleev1971 @kbug68 @RisingSouth @Mission612 @Roamer159 @JenaGoddess @Arkos @TheStrike MentalPancakes @SouthernWind @Rush @Rushofwaves @SunshineMom Course @porterskingdom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Cowboytech @toete there is a couple more but those names are in Porter‘s head… @ShaylaRayeCody on fb @porterskingdom here on minds .. I will let her come back soon no worries ..💙🎨💙
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor. Home. Home on the Rez :) Aho
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Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense? Web Development https://recycledrobot.co.uk Anime Memes https://theotakumeme.com
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Deep independent thinker lover of witty memes this is my 2nd account , somehow got locked out of my password got it right on this one so subscribe already.lol
Call my name Freedom Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @tenpoundsterling - 1 token @hoang0650 - 2 token @RedDragonLS - 2 token @Israphel - 1 token Wires me at: https://www.minds.com/chipucu
Sep 2018
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