
I love playing and making music and riding my bike! I love old cars, trucks, bikes and good art! I'm for Values the Constitution the 2nd amendment and Freedom for all! I'm not here for points or money! Just here to post and have good conversation with good people! Also have the Going Mobile Group in case you want to relax and get away from the worlds BS for a bit! https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/765195092406312960
Established June 12, 2018 The only rules: 1)Politics are ok. Just no going overboard. 2)Properly label mature content
For people who love multiple modes of transportation what ever they may be! This is a fun place to relax and get away from the BS of the world for a bit! Relax and enjoy!
Bikes and Biker Babes. Share yours, enjoy our's. Photos of Club's, Club color's or Club member's is NOT to be considered an endorsement. Strictly independent. If your group has a run or event you want to share feel free. While your here,check out Wild Hod Radio. Kick back and enjoy classic rock. http://www.wildhogradio.com THE CHOPPER GALLERY https://thechoppergallery.com Biker News Online http://www.bikernewsonline.com Insane Throttle Biker News Network https://harleyliberty.com Biker Net.com http://www.bikernet.com/default.aspx
This is the place to share nature in its wildest, most raw and/or most amazing/impressive/breathtaking forms, with extra points given for intensity and savagery. Not the place for flower and puppy pics, unless there's something VERY unique and unusual about them. Cute or beautiful won't cut it here. Follow TOS. Posts must be relative content or they will be deleted. NO spam. Please, NO memes. Enjoy your time here, see some cool stuff, and maybe even learn something. Most importantly, have fun and relax! Remember, the reason for the chaos in the world is because of society's disconnect from nature. NOTE: Some material here will be graphic. Please mark posts with excessive blood and/or gore as NSFW.
Mar 2017
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