RedShark Intel
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The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix."
Entertainer, Journalist, Free Speech Advocate, Political Pundit
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Reups of repressed media content, usually much appreciated by the creators of the content. Further distribution of content (via re-uploads or in other ways) is much appreciated, too! Mirroring of this channel is much appreciated, too! Re-ups von unterdrückten Medieninhalten, i.d.R. mit Einverständnis der Urheber des Materials. Weitere Verbreitung der Videos (über Re-Uploads und auf anderem Wege) ist ausdrücklich erwünscht! Mirrorn des Kanals ausdrücklich erwünscht.
I am an #Anarcho #Eco #Feminist #Communist highly interested in #Permaculture and new open source technologies that will help the people to own the means of production. I believe in a future where we all live in small self sufficient communities using 3d printing and mesh networks to co-operate on a global scale. In such a future we will all be able to pick from a wide range of communities and be able to live in the communities that suit us and the lives we want to live. I am currently building one of these communities as you can see here If any one wants to help the #revolution, see how my community develops, or just plain talk about #futurism and why we should take action to change the world then feel free to add me here :)
Youtube tryna shut me down, gotta pop back up ya kno?
Just a normal guy who likes to play games. I'll be posting my Let's plays here along with anything else that I find funny or interesting.
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Mar 2017
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