
Resolving Reality is an independent Irish media platform that examines national and global issues, featuring opinions and topics not covered in the mainstream media. Including the alternative, the politically-incorrect, the undiscovered, and the ignored.
MIX of nationalist music and radio hits from the 1960s to 2020s. Edgy parodies, Southern Rock, Beer Hall, Oldies, Folk, Fashwave. Edifying songs that convey culture and traditional romance. Relatable lyrics for white populations facing hard-hitting truths. NSFW
Pan-Native Pan-European Pan-Survivalist, Anti-Abrahamic Pan-Anarchist, Pan-White Pan-Juche Pan-National Pan-Brocialist, Sperm-Restoring Pan-Spiritual Pan-Zalgoist Pan-Womanizer and Sex-Positive Pan-Traditionalist. we must retake planet earth from nonsense, All Proprietary Browsers are Surveillance Browsers, All Social Media CEOs must Sold All Social Networks into Kolyma Network, Most Anti-Sectarian Horror ARG on The Web
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
fucka vaccine n fuck taxes death to the cia, fbi, atf, fda, irs, doj, fcc et al....death to the military industrial complex, too big to fail n take 29trillion of OUR money banks, the geeks ('big tech and their anti men) and of course, dont forget the Drug Dealers (big pharma plandemic nazi fucks) . kill your cell phone before it kills you revolution time
Worldly Interests, not limited to single categories of subjects, places or Technologies.
Lips and Hips on a groovy trip.
Dec 2018
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