
🍄🍨Mixed bag of treats🍨🍄 Photo taker and photography admirer. Beauty seer. Spiritual goddess. Nature wonderer. Free spirit treasure finder. Truth speaker. Lover of the Moon. The poet & artist. Punk. Creator of life. Peace maker. Tree hugger. Bohemian badass. Lover of the dark & gothic. Gemini. Freak. ☆ZEF2DEF☆ ☆FLAMEONMOTHERFUCKERS☆ ☆PUFFPUFFPASS☆ ☆ASMF☆
Political Commentary
NO PORN on this profile thanks French Woman punished by twitter, i want France to keep her values and her roots. Love your folk and your roots. #animals #yellowvests #Stopislam # Stopimmigration
Photographer based in the northwest
Hello friends, I came here because of censorship and being banned twice from YouTube. I am hoping free speech will continue to exist on this platform. "If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter" George Washington "What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist." - Salman Rushdie P.S. I love cats, animals, the truth, free-speech, humor, art, peace, freedom, news (and more). :-) I am going to start posting my art too. Thank you.
Random dude intrested in a little of everything. From poetry to politics; from humor to serious news, I am willing to hear about almost anything. I'm pretty much a guy in the middle of nowhere so I'd like to have somewhere I can be given a diversity of opinions and perspectives unlike certain other platforms that have left many, including myself, disappointed. Will try to post as often as I can but work has been keeping me very busy. Cheers!
Apr 2018
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