
Here I go again
Working stiff making cartoons on the side a poet and a M.G.T.O.W all of my videos are on Vidme @JeffStrike if you want to see them all in one place. Pinterest link also https://www.pinterest.com/jessstrike901/ I use a fake name but that is par for the course.
I make videos on the internet. Some are funny. All of them are vulgar... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWJYCv3f85k2VgnLGiIR-g
We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. We are Anonymous. Help protest and fight Government Corruption. .https://www.facebook.com/AnonymousLegionForJustice/
Intj personality and I don't have any tolerance for stupidity... also. Kind of a major trekkie
I am not referring to my adversaries as legal authority figures under western law it's simply an indicator of enemy adversaries like criminals, terrorist, radicals, rebels and NGO's. Hopefully that clarifies any confusion that other parties might have if they see me use the word adversary in a sentence.
Account created on: Jun 18, 2016, 11:32:50 AM Studying programming: - HTML5 - CSS3 - PHP7 - JavaScript - MySQL - C++ - Python3 - Ruby - Basic-256 - Visual Basic for Applications - FreeBasic - MS Access SQL - Oracle SQL Wall of fame: @5LittleBirdies1963 @Amandagr19 @AnNguyen72 @anouchkaya @Antoniovin @asalmeron @BabeOLicious @baboshka @BadassRho @BCTL @BdamSmart @Beardedone2017 @beerhunter @BigBamboo @BrandyNM82 @brazen_serpent @Buffie @CaptTrips @Censorshipsucks @CerberusEvans @Charissima @chesschats @ChocolateStarfish @Claus_Lue @Cloudbill @coeurdours @CuteAsians @darkinmyeyes @DavidBolha @Debbie25 @delastman @DepQua @DirkLoots @DreagusProd @duongquangdong @dynosarus @elisea @emuelle1 @ericola @EssentialAl93 @EVILGUNNEY @Ezlife @FerretPop @FlashSomebody @FloatingOnSmiles @FloriaMagnifico @FretzCapo @Fryth @Gabs5 @gangstermailsexy @GenXpat @giggles108 @gingered @gmno @GreenDeen @gregorovich13 @Halonso61 @hankbarnes @Harp609 @Henkster @Higashi @HoangNghiem1368 @Incal @Iohannes @IvoryEnchantress @jahmind @JamesN @jcinchrist @jcity @Jcory444 @Jenzcranium @JonW116 @juliegrissom21 @katsuakira @Khietbui @kibls @Kitch23 @Ksiazek @ladyhug @LAMEntertainment @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @looneyboo @lqminh @Luckyone @Lyyapham @MariPia @Megadrive @megaeggz @MerlinLovett @MGTOWMonster @mikehopkins @Milica42 @MindsGaming @MrCuongJacky @MsCYPRAH @myincal @namgiangnet @naturewater @Netjr @Ngmhoang @Ngotrang @NguoiThanhDat - Nền tảng tri thức về cuộc sống hay nhất trên Minds @NguoiThanhDat - A platform on Minds of life knowledge @noritou @Odipides @Overrun @Papa_Joe @Phynster @Pnut68 @positeer @PositiveSynergy @RedDragonLS @ReesDaFlo @RitzieAnn @RONIN1 @rosarch @Rsanny @Rushofwaves @Secftblgirl @Sexyladies @Shannon222 @sharonmonaco @SIRGANDALF @Skullcollector479 @slothlydoesit @Sneedlwoods @Sotti @Splooshtastic6969 @StalemateIB @starhammer @SteveLarson @StormFeather @Sukie007 @Sweetleaf71 @Talbooth @Tanawatee @Terjesdatter @Thannhan @ThiThiCute @ThuNguyenChi @tnrose @tomtomandt @VALHALLAcig @Vmanvn @Walkinthepark @Willieleev1971
Headmaster @ ZOGwarts School of Bankcraft & Merchantry High Priest @ Priory of Learned Elders of Zyklon THIS CHANNEL WILL NEVER BE MONETIZED
Jan 2016
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