Ely-L DOLPHIN Leyla Lyra

Leyla Lyra (Ely-L DOLPHIN) Visual / Sound artist and crypto lover *** I love to express beauty and fantasy with Digital Art, Music, Photography... Started as a digital 3D artist and since always loved electronic music, now I'm experimenting day by day, doing whatever my heart tells me to, either graphic or music. Cit. Art is space painting, Music is time painting... My personal add " Love is Heart Painting" I do sound painting to paint as more nicely as possible the time. Music, Logo, Covert Art, Images and Videos by © Ely-L DOLPHIN. https://soundcloud.com/ely-ldolphin https://www.reverbnation.com/elyldolphin https://www.youtube.com/c/ElyLDOLPHIN http://pixels.com/profiles/ely-l-dolphin.html?tab=artworkgalleries
DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE A SPAM BOT YOU WILL BE REPORTED AND BLOCKED Hey I like #flowers I also make YouTube and Minds videos occasionally. I am vegan, I love permaculture, photography, gaming somewhat, reggae and some styles of cloud rap. Fuck fascism and communism. I want to found a small tribalistic permaculture commune sometime in the future. If you donate a token to me I will put your name on my wall of fame for a week also :) Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @chesschats
Self taught Artist Blacksmith, avid skier, avid whitewater kayaker, outdoor loving, family man.
I'm an amateur photographer based in Portugal. Black and whites, nature, skies and decay is what I like to work with. Cheers!
Bad News Collection ! Channel tổng hợp các thông tin "xấu" đa chiều về Việt Nam và các quốc gia khác trên thế giới ! * Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm : 1. Các nội dung chỉ mang tính tham khảo, không có tính xác thực hoặc kiểm chứng từ bất kỳ một tổ chức nào ! 2. Các nội dung không mang quan điểm của chủ page, không tham gia đảng phái, chính trị và không mang tính kích động. 3. Các nội dung có thể được sử dụng bằng tiếng Việt, tiếng Anh hoặc các thứ tiếng khác.
Do you really read descriptions?
Small trees and other ramblings. Southeast Alabama.
Dec 2017
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