
I have often pondered what causes humans to be hurtful to other humans. HATE is one root which begins with ignorance and perpetrated by the very system in which we live. But this doesn't explain why doctors kill babies still in the womb or adults and children as objects of pleasure then disposing of them as putrid refuse. This page is dedicated to exposing the evil deed of human trafficking in our world. Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Dalai Lama Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
Unity dev, vegetarian, father, bass player, electronic musician.
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers. There are many places to go beyond belief. Those challenges are yours--in many fields, not the least of which is space, because there lies human destiny." ~ Neil Armstrong
The videos that I personally create are scriptural and theological in nature as well as things happening in society. I also am a "truther" so I will post other people's videos if I believe that they are important information for everyone. I won't post information that is part of the deception of the masses unless it is to be exposed as lies. I make sure to dedicate plenty of research before I post.
Account clone of Cừu Vui Vẻ
I ❤ Science, logic, freedom and art... (Superhero by night) #censorship #all #quotes #freespeech #minds
Feb 2017
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