
You like Amateur cartoons? Then you've come to the right place!
Minds Founding Member 2017 S'hauni Waterdragon Retired, Living the Dream, Writing the Great American Pagan Novel #DoNotDisturb I have #DragonEnergy I DECLARE WORLD PEACE #IDWP Sweet Waterdragon Banana Muffinettes DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE AFFAIRS OF DRAGONS BECAUSE ITS RUDE THEY HAVE STUFF GOING ON ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS
Amateur artist posting time-lapse illustrations and carving.
Unapologetic Cultural Libertarian Sh1tl0rd Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam ___ Veteran of #GamerGate and #ProjectChanology, former ZS loyalist and youtube shitlord. Gamer and Egalitarian. #BlockTheBot High Command. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and shitpost... and I'm all out of bubble gum." Anti-SJW "Community" group: MemeFarmers group: My OCD kicked in recently and I tagged all my relevant posts with various hashtags to make them searchable with one click... #FreeKekistan #PunchItChewie : Sci Fi, Geek and Nerd Culture. Mostly memes, not gonna lie. #justAntiSJWthings : It's how we roll. #writteninbloodcaffeineandnicotine : Things I've written here on Minds that I thought were worth filing in one place. #TheFifthEstateNews: News #likeaboss : Putin Shilling #godemperor : Trump Shilling #malfunctioninghillary : Hating Hillary #SkyrimIRL #DragonageIRL : #Syria : News and Current Affairs #BodyCount : "And you shall know them by the trail of dead." #1984wasnotsupposedtobeaninstructionmanual : The prophecies of the Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) #TakeDownTheMedia : taken from an Andrew Breitbart quote, the MSM is anathema #FakeNews ^related #ThugLife : #freespeechmatters : #youtubeheroes : #JustMassEffectThings : #Messiah : Dune #Prophet : Kurt Cobain #MakeWarhammerGreatAgain:
Imparting knowledge and facts on Global Warming. Visit -
Web design and development and stuff,
I was the guy who made (r)evolution against principalities of hell my whole life and got dragged through a bush backwards. Yeah that guy, If you, like me were kicked off facebook for sharing information that was too close to the truth you will enjoy to follow my posts. I will attempt to place only the highest level front line leading edge of the revelations drama not concluding the liberation of our world. **Or the satire of it.** At the moment I am producing a 23 edition series of picture booklets proving the existence of God and a card game Formerly called the End of the World Trumpety Trump Card Game and working towards a graphic novel series currently with no name. These works are under a media blackout so high they might as wll be the little and big scroll of the apocalypse. You can thank me by upvoting and sharing my work. Just this.
I'm a university student, I dream of becoming an entertainer and escaping the tedious, mundane career that awaits me. I try to make edgy, iconoclastic content. My youtube account is
Nov 2016
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