
I work in a food distribution warehouse. Haven't travelled outside Canada. This world is fucked up, filled with a lot of misinformation. I strongly believe in aliens and that they've had an impact on our evolution. I also believe in quite a few conspiracies.
People's NDE Testimonies To Hell & Back
Frequently posting #NSFW content to make your life kinkier FREE Pics and Vids
I am a grower that grows PESTICIDE FREE. No GROWTH HORMONES. Hand trimmed and actually LOVES to smoke what I grow. I am also a cryptocurrency miner and I accept most cryptocurrencies BTC bc1qm64s7ql7jrza0yf3a5742qrjssg04kq23vcsq7
I am a 25 year old revolutionest. My current passion is researching agroecology vs our conventional farming system. Taxes are avoidable, humans are free, and our bullshit system will fail. Hells ya :)
Webmaster,Blogger, Internet Marketing Coach, Social Media Expert
Many have discovered that the world is a matrix of illusions. Our fabricated lives have become mired in a web of authoritarian control and manipulation akin to puppets on strings. The world is a chess board to which we are not even pawns, as we are just support for the board game itself. We find ourselves surrounded by lies and setups. Our effort to make sense of the world brings us to the desire for what's real and true. Well, within a web of illusion and lie, the search for truth becomes sticky, much like the struggle with a tar baby. Truth itself becomes the commodity for your sanity. Either acquiesce to the web of lies or become a warrior for truth and virtue. I say warrior because it is a struggle one must learn to endure, and to manifest the stamina that you will most definitely need. You may become a warrior of two types: fight just for yourself, and/or fight for others. Don't fret though. Live your life the best way that you can while standing tall against those who would tread upon your sovereign individual rights and against those who would commit atrocity and intend gross malfeasance against humanity. Just don't get overly distracted from your genuine life pursuits. I thank you for listening. Namaste. Follow me for information discernment like you've not seen before. Well, if you're on Minds, maybe you have. I am part of the rebellion. Do you know how to say no? It is the most powerful word there is. Join me and do your part in the rebellion against the control structure and defy the perpetuation of human atrocity and any attacks against human sovereignty across the globe. I am hailing from southern California. Living in the illusion like most of you. Truth, light, painfully real, respect, valor. All regarded highly. Clownworld Concerns: - American Islamic jihad - extreme leftism - SJW policies - fake news - endgame - 2A attacks - 1A attacks - false narratives - corporate fascism - "lefts" trumping others' rights - conservative/altnews censorship agenda Entertainment? How much are you entertaining yourself vs THEM entertaining you? Ya, you are being mesmerized and don't even know it. I honor Nicholas Sandmann on my profile pic. Stand your ground with a smile unto those who tread upon your's. C A U S ES #UnsealEpstein #MAGA #rebellion T O P I CS #science #physics #technology #astronomy #christianity #reality #thematrix #perception #truth #propaganda #woke #redpill #mind #puppetmasters #sorcery #humannature #conservative #empathy #ethics #freedom #rights #morality #humor #scifi #fantasy ... @Redjackal 2015 My favorite Minds people: @TeaFlavoredHarborWater @N.Morgan @caxcanwarrior @mikehopkins @Yotivationnation @FretzCapo @Phynster @robertimay @TheStrike @Milica42 @ladyred @FutureShock @kalnwi @ParticularLight @TechnoMageB5 @FatalException @entryreqrd @tom2009 @RonHarvey @NigelDownUnder and more...
Reverend of The Brotherhood for Christ Independent Journalist, Bullshit caller, Awakened soul, Organic Farmer,Anon
The only thing I know is nothing.
In the place where you stood, the air's filling in. I search for a world where nets catch the wind.. biting sarcasm
Jul 2015
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